Christmas Tube Help

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New member
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Piteå, Sweden
OK.. first i have to say i really have NO idea what i am doing here.
My husband has a mesaboogie stereopower 2:90 simul.. using it with a triaxis? i think i said that right. Apparently the tubes blew and he is having a heart attack since the guitar is his LIFE! haha.. well he has been hunting for cheap new tubes a researching like crazy but i am just going to buy them for him for christmas. I actually already did. BUT.. there were 7 yellow ones and a red one in there? When i bought them the man said it wont matter as long as the colors are all the same i got 4 pairs of green ones (thats the only color they had available with enough pairs)

My question is this.. what do i tell him it will do to his sound? I am sure after christmas is over and i inform him that this site exists.. you wont be seeing me anymore but him quite often.

so tell me ??? What do i say about the green ones (6l6 str440's) as opposed to the red and yellow he had?? did i do a bad bad thing?
The bottom line here is;

Lower numbers will start to distort at lower volume settings on your amp, and have more dynamic touch and feel.
These are the GT( Groove Tubes) 1-3 range, and the Fender "blue" painted tubes. Many Jazz or Blues players like this range, and
they work well for recording where levels are going to be lower, or in smaller venues.

Medium numbers are the most versatile, will drop into most amps and be very close to most factories bias settings,
and are the best general choice for most players wanting a versatile well rounded amp. These are the GT 4-7
range, and the Fender "white" painted tubes. The range of 4,5,6 are able to be used in Mesa Boogie fixed bias
amps, and on the Mesa scale convert roughly to:

Mesa scale Groove Tubes scale
Red 4
Yellow 4
Green 5
Gray 5
Blue 6
White 6

Nice to keep handy
ok.. he plays hard rock and heavy metal in recording sudios and in mid sized gigs so.. as i said i have NO idea... so.. i hope this will be a good choice :)
thanks for the advise and haha when i DO give them to him.. i will direct him right here so he can read too. Its sometimes a problem understanding some techincal things mesaboogie write about when its only in english... I can translate what the english means to more simple terms for him, but even i get lost sometimes. (He lives in Sweden (speaks Swedish) and i am joining him there next week).

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