Chorus pedal: too many to pick 1

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
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Hey all,

I'm looking for some effects to get some more soul for the clean channel of my mark IV and I'm considering a chorus and digital delay... What are good ones and bad ones? Is BOSS okay? Because then I can buy an 1 adapter for all pedals if I go boss all the way... At least there are too many choices on the market and I'm totally confused. If someone can give me some advice about different types and what's good/bad about them, I'd be very thankful.

I'd get an analog delay before a digital delay...

I'm a big fan of the MXR Carbon Copy.

I wouldn't get hung up on the Boss power supply thing. Most pedals are powered using the same barrel connectors.

As for chorus, look for one that is not too bright. I've tried too many of them that when you engage them, the high end is piercing and unpleasant.
It depends on what you like. I prefer the warm smooth sound of an analog chorus myself. I have a modified self built EH Small Clone on my board now and I love it. The Clone theory is a cool pedal too. As for delay, I like the sound of an analog delay, but prefer the flexibility and control of a digital delay. I'm running a Boss DD-7. It stays on the analog setting most of the time, but the 40 second looper is nice. I really like the tap tempo input too. I've also had a DD-20 from Boss too and it was great as well. True analog delays are nice, but they usually have limited delay times and almost never have tap tempo. The Line6 Echo Park sounds good too, but no looper.

As for powering them, 90% of pedals on the market use the same 9 volt center negative barrel connector, so you'd be able to use a single power supply for most of the pedals you buy. Be advised though, some pedals may get noisy with a single shared power supply. Modern pedals are not as prone to this, but it still happens.
I use the Digitech CF7 Chorus Factory in the loop of my MKIV it's about $100. It's got a few different chorus models in it and they all sound pretty good.

I really like the Dan-echo pedal. For a pedal, it has a ton of options and can do some pretty cool things.
I agree with the poster above re: the MXR carbon copy.

For chorus, the best I've heard is the Diamond Halo Chorus (I think it's by Diamond)... check out the demo on

It's pricey though. Also would recommend the RetroSonic Chorus.
Voodoo Lab Analog Chorus...don't let pro guitar shops demo turn you off to it (i hate that tone hes getting, sounds so shrill)..i run my BFR into a carbon copy and that chorus into my mark 4..**** thick sound..just killer
TC Nova Pedals. At the end of my long search, I ended up with the Nova delay and the Nova Modulator.
In my honest opinion, I'd go with a MXR or Boss.

I believe they are two of the best quality effect pedal companies for the money. They don't change your tone and they do what you would expect them to do.


Not made any more, but if you find an Arion Stereo Fat Chorus (SFC-1), snag it! You will *not* be sorry.

I am in the same boat on effects. I have a Mk V and a cry baby wah wah pedal as my only effect. Not wanting to suffer from ED - Effectile Disfunction, I tried this cool new Visual Sound Liquid Chorus that was on sale. Sounds ok on clean channel but it seriously sucks tone in any distortion channel. I was doing this at the guitar center in Atlanta. Tried a few other chours units. MXR chorus unit with 4 knobs on it is good. Also decided on a delay unit. Left the store with the MXR Carbon Copy. It has flexibility and does not do much tone alteration compared to other delay units. I run it thru the loop and mix it in low. My goal for a delay unit is to give some width and depth in soloing without diluting that yummy wholesome goodness that is boogie tone.

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