Chassis to washer adhesive on Mark IV?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
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What if anything holds your washers to your chassis on a Mark IV? When I was swapping into the combo cabinet I accidentally knocked one of the washers loose and had a hell of a time aligning the SUS-4 mounting. It was akin to your first time in the dark as a teenager. I kept missing then the thing kept slipping off etc. I finally managed to get it to go with the washer in its proper place but it took at least a half an hour of juggling. I may have had more luck using feeler gauges to manipulate the washer but none were handy. This would have taken me to walk outside to the toolbox (**** I am lazy). Luckily the amp had no patience to try or I might not have ever gotten in on (I'd have been damned before I would have walked out there).

So has anyone else experienced one of the chassis washers coming loose and if so what did you use to fasten it back to the chassis? With the head cabinet it was not an issue, believe me, I tried to put it back in the head cabinet and it wasn't a problem because you could align it lowered. In the SUS-4 mount it doesn't give you as much room to play. I fear having to put the chassis back in before reattaching the washer.

I am assuming that the washer provides grounding from the shielding to the chassis so I didn't want to put anything in there that would be non-conductive. This is why I am asking before I just use some simple silicone or hot glue. I had thought of soldering it in place but I don't want to ground it if there is supposed to be some isolation there. If it requires a non-conductive adhesive I thought maybe replacing all the washers with plastic washers and siliconing them in place might alleviate the future problem. If it doesn't matter I was thinking that double sided scotch tape would work pretty well also. The only reason why I was thinking that it might be a grounding issue is because the SUS-4 has some copper springlike fingers/conductors that stick down that hit the top of your chassis from the shielded area of the underside of the top of the cabinet.

Please tell me I am not the only one who has ever had this happen to them and the solution with any information regarding the conductivity of the adhesive if there ever was any.

Is it possible to remove the chassis washers and mount your amp in the cabinet without them? I think this might be the simplest of solutions if the washers are not necessary.
Spot welded? If it was spot welded then I must have really scraped the F'ing thing off hard. Honestly I cannot see any signs of a spot weld. I cannot see any signs of anything having been there to hold it in place. If you cay that it was spot welded then there should be no reason to have reservations about what I use to hold it there because conductivity to ground would not be an issue in the case of transferring a ground because there are the other 3 to do the job also. In that frame of mind, If I were to use crazy glue or silicone or some other adhesive then as long as I do not get messy then it should be fine provided it handles the heat associated with being that close to the heat source. I think I might just solder it though with a small bead. I would hate to solder the whole thing like a sweat joint and find out later it was a bad idea. At least with a small bead I would be able to remove it easily. Though something nonconductive such as an adhesive might be a better idea because if the solder were to ever break off and fall in it might short something.

What do you think Boogiebabies? What would you attach it with?
One tiny dab of epoxy. The enclosure ground is not that important when you have the brass contact finger doo dads. epoxy hold up to heat and is very strong, but I am sure you could pry it up if you needed.
I'll have to check into epoxies. I kind of want one that will skin relatively fast and has some body to it so it won't seep under the washer making it nearly impossible to remove.