C90's buzzing at high volumes

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Nov 29, 2006
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I recently bought a mark III combo. It came with a C90 speaker. Whenever I play notes above the 12th fret at a high volume (sometimes other notes too) the speaker buzzes (i guess you would call it farting)... anyway, I went ahead and bought 2 C90's off ebay because I thought the one that came with the amp is faulty. I've tried them both now in my Mark III and my Studio .22 to no result. I have played through them both with 2 vastly different guitars, an Ibanez AS-200 (335 style) and an Ibanez strat copy. I have tried placing the speaker on a pillow on the floor facing up. I have tried the speakers in 2 seperate standard mark series cabinets and one imbuya cabinet. My standard studio .22 50w Eminence speaker does not have this issue. This happens at volumes above 3 on the mark III and above about 6 on the .22. The C90 should be able to handle way more volume than the Eminence right?? The conclusion I'm starting to form is that these C90 speakers are overpriced junk. I play jazz with a clean tone with a bit of edge aka John Scofield so naturally this excess noise is not welcome. I'm really getting tired of the issues I'm having with my new amp. Can someone shed some light on why THREE C90 speakers are all producing this annoying buzz?? Any help would be much appreciated. Carl :)
I've just been playing through my studio .22 with one of the c90's fitted. No matter what guitar I use, be it the AS-200 or the strat copy or even a nylon string, it has the weird problem. If anyone has a 1x12 boogie combo with a C90, could you try this for me.. Crank your amp up to about 6 on the volume and 4 on the master on the clean channel, try repeatedly playing F# and A above the octave on the top E. Really attack the notes. Let me know if you hear the same pitch an octave below. I have this issue with all 3 of the C90's so im kinda confused. Thanks
yeah tried them in 2 tolex compact cabs, and an Imbuya cab... As i said ive tried two amps so I know its not a tube issue
Both amps have relatively new caps.. I'm sure its a speaker issue because it sounds like the cones are kinda distorting and buzzing. I just discovered today that it only happens on a few notes, so its almost like the speakers are producing harmonics or something. I'll record it and post some clips up.
It sounds to me like cone cry...


I have a speaker that'll do it on an F#...
Yeah I thought it might be cone cry... I guess I'll have to buy an EV or something.. kinda wierd that the C90 cant handle my mark III on 4. BTW no tears or anything new speakers are mint condition.
How old are your Electrolytic Caps?? if these are getting beyond there sell by date you will get Gost notes and also "Farting" of the speakers.
Normal cap life is about 6-7 years but then this is open to debate.My MkIIB sounds terrible at the moment I get like a rattle come Fart as you put it through my speakers and on Inspection I have a Bubble on the pos end of a Cap a sure sign they need replacing.Harry
Here is the reply from Mesa to an email I sent regarding the hideous harmonics in their C90 speakers:
It appears what you are experiencing is what is known as “Edgy Owl” which a known Celestion phenomenon that occurs when certain frequencies resonate on the speaker cone. There is no remedy to this aside from using another speaker manufacture. This issue is not strictly tied to Mesa amp, but all amp manufactures have experienced this issue. Some folks purchase the C90’s just to obtain that strange harmonic.


Firstly isn't it edge yowl (I like edgy owl better though) & they really think musicians actually enjoy a buzzing harmonic that only pops up on certain random frets! Shame on you Mesa. Celestion won't answer emails.
It is well know that celestion speakers are a "love em or hate em" issue.
The only cure, especially to get a real nice smooth lead solo sound is the vererable EVM 12L. All my cabs are loaded with them and they are true to the amp you plug them into. Not the other way around like celestions. If you can find one from the early 90's EV made a 12L proline version which I absolutely love in my open back 1-12 cab. It seems to have an even more open and fuller sound than the series II EVM's. I'm an Ibanez artist fan the ar-300's and my beloved as-50 with MarkIII and EV are my nirvana.
You could also check out the Weber Thames speaker.


I had one in my Mark IV, sounded incredible. I no longer have the amp, but I use the Thames in an old Rectoverb combo cabinet that I turned into a 1x12 cab for my Soldano Lucky 13. Still sounds amazing.

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