Buzz in my Boogie???? F-Series????

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Feb 26, 2005
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Just last week i purchased my first Mesa/Boogie amp, the F-30. I really love what this compact combo can do. The versitility of the amp is great and the combination of tones seems endless. I have always wanted a Boogie after plugging into one a number of years back.

Problem is, im hearing a Buzz in my Boogie. Its definatly not the speaker but sounds like a physical vibration inside the head of the combo. The buzz is def. more active at certain tones or harmonics.

What bothers me more is when i went back to the Guitar Center where i picked up the amp, the other f30 and f50 were carything the same physical vibration!

Now Guitar Center is shipping me a brand F-30 in a box in in about a week but im fearing this probelm may be a bit of a defect??? Has anyone experienced what i am hearing in their F series. I really want to keep this amp cause i love the tones, and I spent a good deal of money (for me at least) and i feel that for the $900 i spent i should be put into a buzzless amp.

Does this kind of issue sound like something that would be coverev under waranty? Do Boogie reps view this board??? I can understand an amp loosining up after a year or so and having physical vibrations that need to be clamped down on, but i dont think its the kind of issue i should be having straight out of the box.

So what is everyones imput on this? Well, thanks in advance for the help!

What guitar are you using? Are you experiencing the buzz on both amp channels? When you went back to guitarget did you use your guitar or one of theirs, and what kind was it (pups, etc)? Were you using effects? What about your cables? What about power (electricity, outlets) in your home?
im a 99.9% sure that it has nothing at all to do with the electronics of the amp or guitar. The vibration was present from everything from a strat to a jackson.

Def. i pysical vibration i think . We plugged the amp into an external cabinet. When the cabinet was close to the f-30 i was geting the same vibration. As we moved the cab away from the f-30 the vibration disapeared.

I just read on another forum that a few people had problems with the tube sheild vibrating, and even tubes in the f series being slightly losse inside thier own sockets even though they seem to fit snugly ..

Unfortunatly my guitar is at the shop as well, so as soon as i get a guitar back i will be checking this out for myself... As of now thats all ive come up with
I'm sorry about the trouble you are having with your F30. The symptoms you describe seem to point to a microphonic tube or tube socket. 1. Bang on the top of your amp with your fist (like Fonzie). Does it make a similar sound? Sort of like a buzz or jingle? To find the bad tube, leave the amp on and remove the metal retainers that protect the preamp tubes. Tap on each of the tubes with a pick. They will all make a little racket, but the bad tube will make a pronounced THUNK!! Replace and rock on your merry way. If your preamp tubes are good, do the same with the power tubes and see what happens. If you replace them and you are still getting that sound, have a tech resolder the tube sockets. Sometimes even the slightest goof in the connection will cause those sympathetic vibrations you are hearing. Don't worry, this is quite common with all tube amps no matter how much you pay. I've had it happen to just about every brand of tube amp I've ever owned, Mesa being no exception. It should be an easy warranty repair if the amp is new. Microphonic tube sockets are just a quirk that all of us tube junkies put up with in our quest for great tone. Good luck!! I hope this is helpful.
^^^ Thanks man. I tried removing the tube sheild to see if they were creating the noise, but that didnt help, and neither did touching the tubes to see if they were vibrating in their sockets. I did get a dampening of the sound with touching one of the tubes, but it did not eliminate it entirely.

Ive got a brand new F-30 being shipped in since the onei have here is a floor model, so i will see if the probplem exist in the new one as well. I figure in due time things start to rattle around in an amp due to the constant vibration, but i do not feel like i should buy and amp that has it right of the bat.

I'm going to call Mesa/Boogie tomorrow, and really as long as its a fix under waranty i have no problem with it, because i really like the amp, and just want the vibration to be gone.

92hatchattack said:
I did get a dampening of the sound with touching one of the tubes, but it did not eliminate it entirely.

Most likely there's your culprit. As long as you're getting a new amp, I wouldn't worry about it. Mesa's customer service is one of the best in the business and they stand behind their products.
^^^ A call to Mesa today confirmed to me that their customer service is good. I explained the issue i was having and the rep. said that is was not how the mesa amp should be.

Apon the arival of my new amp he told me to fill out the waranty and send it to mesa, at which point if i still have the vibration, or ever get any such vibration it is covered in the amps 5 year waranty.

With this i am satisfied in that even if the one i get in has the vibration i can have it fixed and enjoy the amp i want! Cant wait till the new one comes in!!!
Mine was a mechanical buzz especially on the 6th string at 5th fret. Mine was corrected by just adjusting the torque of the 2 screws that held the small transformer down.........try it ,....hit the note that excites the buzz then try holding the transformer and see if it is the culprit....if it is try slightly loosening one of the phillips screws that is securing the trtansformer.
................good luck,
**** the luck! I just got my F-50 after waiting 6 weeks without an amp to play. I brought it home with much excitement (much like a kid with his first Millenium Falcon!) and unboxed it only to find that one of the 6L6s was shattered. I got a replacement pair the next day, but noticed that the amp was hissing and popping. Then the reverb quit working. I performed all of the things I mentioned in my last post with no luck. So, I took it back to my dealer and brought the floor model home. It sounds great, except the power tubes rattle and the amp makes a horrible microphonic squeal when you switch channels. The squeal is so bad that it makes my German Shepherd run out of the room. Anyone out there have a similar problem?
wilsonmat said:
one of the 6L6s was shattered. I got a replacement pair the next day, but noticed that the amp was hissing and popping. Then the reverb quit working..... the amp makes a horrible microphonic squeal when you switch channels.

Why dont people take the tubes out when shipping amps? It takes like 2 minutes and saves hours of grief later.

Noise + microphonics = preamp tubes. If its only on the gain channel, look at V2 and V3. Reverb is V4. If the amp took that much of a beating in shipment, I think I would just change 'em all.
No Kidding! I was suprised to see the tubes in place (sort of) when I opened the box. :shock:

I'll try swapping the preamp tubes. V1 with V4, then V2 with V4 and so on until I find the little bugger. Thanks for the suggestion!!
My F50 works great now! I swapped the driver tube for the phase inverter tube (V1 for V4) and it stopped making that annoying squeal. I knew it had to be simple. :D Thanks to everyone who helped me out!!

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