Brand New RoadKing 2 tubes dieing

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Jul 2, 2008
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Thats brand new (only 4 months old) King has just puked a 6L6. Now here is my question.....can I just replace the single 6L6? Or do I need to a buy a new matched set of 4?
Also are the RoadKings self biasing?
You could just replace the single tube with one from the same color batch, but Mesa only sells tubes in pairs. I have had some issues with new Mesa tubes right out of the box, so don't be to alarmed.
I will be honest i was nervous. Well I will get my butt to my Mesa dealer and get a new pair. Thanks for the reply.
I think that Mesa warranties the tubes for 6 months so you may be able to get a single tube for nothing. Give them a call. Their customer service is excellent.
I had a power tube in my Stiletto go out within the first year and Mesa sent me a replacement matched pair no charge. I'd call the customer service first.