I'm with Mr TimeSignature, I always end up going back to the venerable Ibanez TS9,
- although today I've been liking the BB preamp, used as a 'nearly clean' boost!
I have a few other boxes, some homemade, some classic or modern, but the TS9, with a bit of careful knob fiddling, always floats my boat for a solo boost.
The BB is good, but not '100 or more quid above the price of a basic fuzzbox' type of good in my opinion!
Aaaaand while I'm on the subject, whoever thought the solasound tonebender sounded good?
I've got one and it's dreadfull! I only keep it to show people! Same with most of the other tranny boxes of that era, Big Muff, etc. - why buy a nice valve amp and then ruin it with a box that makes the sound of dying transistors? Hehehehe. - Sorry, I'll shut up now! ( this is not a criticism of anyone on this topic, - I just couldn't help myself going into a foaming at the mouth rant! )