boogie mark series fan + heat question

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
detroit, mi
i just put switched my mark IIC+ from a combo cabinet to a short chassis head cabinet that used to house a short chassis maverick.
the fan on the maverick is attached to the chassis and powered differently, so i can't use it in the short head.

The fan from the combo is too big to mount anywhere in the head cab.
So does mesa make different size fans for mark series heads and combos?

also, is it totally necessary to have a fan?

my boogie is a 60 watter and i played it with my band tonight at practice for about 3 or 4 hours. everything metal on it got pretty hot. even the cable tips from the footswitches and cables in my fx loop. is this normal?
it wasn't hot enough to burn me, but it was pretty hot to the touch.
everything was still somewhat warm to the touch after it had been off for over an hour.
is that normal? it wasn't even that hot in the combo, but i also never puhsed it for 4 hours before.

it sounded amazing by the way:)
The head does have a fan. It is mounted to the front panel roughly in the middle and while it doesn't have access to fresh air just the fact that it moves the air around is gong to lead fresh air into the cab. My head has the same fan as my combo the thing looks huge in there but it is in there. Hey like they say a picture if worth a thousand words. :wink:

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if Mesa is still putting a fan in the Mark series amps, it must be important. I've had my Mark IV going for three straight hours at full band volume and it never got as hot as you're describing.
Even the great Howard fans dont work that well in a head. There is just not enough room for suction with the reverb tank so close. As far as the whole fan theory, it does not need a fan but is sure does keep the tubes cooler.
I am sure they last longer.

I skrewed an aluminiumbar into the back of my Top, where twoo little fans are fixed to.
They are just behind the tubes and are electrically connected in a row.
A 12V DC Transformer is feeding them and each is getting 6 V this way.
The fans are designed for PC and are very quiet, even more quiet when they get 6V only each.
The tubes are cooled very eaqually this way, it is very quiet and not expensive.
The only change of the original amp are two or three little holes in the cab.

Maybe this idea helps

I do have pics of that, but don´t know, how to get them in this post.
If somebody can explane, i´ll try to post them.
60 watt MK series heads did not come with fans from the factory. Simul-class and 100 watt heads did.

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