Bonding Amp Moment With Wife....LSS

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
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My wife is a singer/songwriter who only plays acoustic guitars. She recently has had an interest in playing an electric. She wanted to try out some different electrics to see what she would like. I borrowed a friends Tele since I don't own any Fenders right now. I plugged the guitar into the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe that I keep around for band rehearsals for our other guitar player to use. She started playing and tweaking the eq to her taste and she wasn't that impressed. I handed her my 335 and then my Les Paul and she definitely liked the 335 the best.

Then I decided to let her hear my Lonestar Special and plugged into that amp. Her eyes lit up! She was like WOW that amp sounds SO MUCH BETTER!!!. She asked why. I started explaining the differences with the speakers and tubes.

When I was talking about the tubes she had the this smurk on her face of joy! She was like our relationship has just gone to a new level!!!! Man and woman talking gear!!!! It was a great bonding moment!!!!

Just had to share that on Thanksgiving Day!!!!

I dig having a musician for a wife!
Every time I talk about gear to my wife she gives me this look as if I'm wearing a necklace made out of dried turds.
On that note do you guys ever find yourself telling someone who could care less about your gear, and even though you know this... you do it anyway?

Grats on the relationship bro that is huge!

bernerdawg said:
Every time I talk about gear to my wife she gives me this look as if I'm wearing a necklace made out of dried turds.
My girlfriend tries to feign interest, but i can tell that she's really thinking about how much i spend on this hobby of mine.

biazzaz said:
On that note do you guys ever find yourself telling someone who could care less about your gear, and even though you know this... you do it anyway?
Yes. Usually when trying to justify my purchases :oops: :lol:
bernerdawg said:
Every time I talk about gear to my wife she gives me this look as if I'm wearing a necklace made out of dried turds.
This made me laugh so hard I flung my head back and hit it off the wall. The dome damage was worth the laugh.

biazzaz said:
On that note do you guys ever find yourself telling someone who could care less about your gear, and even though you know this... you do it anyway?

Yes, I think that sometimes I just want to talk gear bad enough that I don't care who is there pretending to understand. The worst is when you are talking gear to someone you know doesn't know jack and then they offer a stupid idea. I think to myself, "Can't you just shut up and listen to me talk about something that has no relevance to your interests while you nod everyonce in a while?"
The worst is when you are talking gear to someone you know doesn't know jack and then they offer a stupid idea.

OMG that is so true. I have this problem with anything conceptual as well. So many ideas that I need to focus, and so little people to explain it to that can understand.
There's one other guy on my ship that is a gear junkie and everytime we are in the smoke break talking gear someone chimes in with something so absolutely stupid that it throws me off track of what I was talking about. For example this was on Monday:

Me to my friend, "Man, I need something to sit on that lets me use my wah and still be in a normal playing position when we practice."

Jackass guitar player in a smug voice,"Don't you know they sell guitar stools at Guitar Center??"

Me in an irrate voice, "YES I KNOW THEY SELL STOOLS! I was thinking out loud and not looking for your help. Get the
&%$ out of my conversation."
I like this thread. I feel bad about getting off track from the OP having a great moment that I wish would happen to me, but it feels great to release some tension and make myself laugh.

The second worst thing stems from my co-workers. I'm an Electronics Technician in the Navy so all of the people I work closely with have at the very least some advanced technical knowledge about electronics. We all spend so much time together in close quarters that eveyone's interests and hobbies get spread around and privacy is not really an option. So in their case, they get to listen to a few hours a day of guitars. The eventually ask enough stupid questions to learn that my amps are tube driven which apparently qualifies them to argue why modern technology HAS to be better than tubes. I hate this conversation because they think that I'm crazy and that since solid state devices are better for all the equipment we work on then it must be better for everything.

Even when I demonstrate some bada$$, killer Mesa tone A/B'd with some crap SS tone their musical taste is so poor they can't tell what makes one better than the other. They can only hear 'loud vs. not loud' or 'distortion vs clean'.

Sorry about the rant. I feel better now.

I would just draw graphs of how waves clip on tube vs. SS. Or print out Randy Smith's Class A/ Tube amps article and hand it over to them. Seems like you got to bring things down a grade level or two :p
The Tube vs SS argument to a non-musician thing just blows my freaking mind. I've done the A/B thing before, and every time they just can't seem to either hear it or think it makes a difference. I'ts like trying to demonstrate to a stump!
biazzaz said:
The Tube vs SS argument to a non-musician thing just blows my freaking mind. I've done the A/B thing before, and every time they just can't seem to either hear it or think it makes a difference. I'ts like trying to demonstrate to a stump!

It's amazing how some people cannot hear those differences......just shows you how some people are not musically inclined in the least and others are.
My wife refers to my Lonestar as "That loud thing that was really expensive."

So you can imagine how the "gear" conversations go.
I'm jealous! My wife gives me the same look as bernerdawg's wife! :lol: She could care less why it supposedly sounds better because all she knows is that I spend too much time and energy on my hobby (in her eyes).

Anyway, it sounds like she has a good ear! My wife is a singer, but does not play guitar. Maybe one day i'll teach her...
bernerdawg said:
Every time I talk about gear to my wife she gives me this look as if I'm wearing a necklace made out of dried turds.

so i'm in a meeting as i'm writing this bored out of my mind... as i read berberdawg's comment above I bust out laughing. The only problem is the CIO and VP of our group are sitting right across from me and are now staring at the **** eating grim on my face. Thank you berner for getting me through this meeting.
jdurso said:
bernerdawg said:
Every time I talk about gear to my wife she gives me this look as if I'm wearing a necklace made out of dried turds.

so i'm in a meeting as i'm writing this bored out of my mind... as i read berberdawg's comment above I bust out laughing. The only problem is the CIO and VP of our group are sitting right across from me and are now staring at the sh!t eating grim on my face. Thank you berner for getting me through this meeting.

:lol: I thought that was one of the funniest posts I've seen in a long time. The word 'turd' caught me off guard.
Every time I start talking about anything guitar related, my wife-to-be starts saying "blah, blah, blah, blah" and rolls her eyes.

You're a lucky man.
I used to just kind-of talk at my ex about gear I was looking at/speculating on. The only way I could explain it was by saying "X is what I want which is similar to this guitar/amp/pedal of mine." She'd try to be involved sometimes but mostly doesn't care much. I am jealous of this original poster. Other than that I talk my guy friend's ears off and only some of 'em know what I'm getting at.
I had a wife but she turned into an music hating shrew amongst other things so i got ride of her. Prayed for a good woman to come along and that week i met a singing, piano playing, guitar playing hottie. We jam and talk gear, sometimes make out while jamming without missing a note.