Bold/Spongy and Silicone/Rectifier. Which is your choice?

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mylo said:
My DR sounds weak on the spongy setting. I don't believe I could get it loud enough for a stage setting. After reading some of these posts I'm wondering if there is something wrong with it. :shock:

sounds odd, does take a little tweaking though.
mylo said:
My DR sounds weak on the spongy setting. I don't believe I could get it loud enough for a stage setting. After reading some of these posts I'm wondering if there is something wrong with it. :shock:

If you are talking about over all volume. The is not a lot of volume difference between bold and spongy.
Feel, attack, dynamics, headroom, point of break up, etc change.
Mine has a very noticeable difference in overall volume between the two settings. It sounds great and loud as hell on bold but a lot weaker in the spongy setting. What could cause this?
yeah totally, turn it up, if it isn't massively loud with the output heading up around 12 o'clock, then somethin ain't right...
I have dropped it off with Nashville Amp Service. I'll post the verdict for others that may develop this problem.
Well got the verdict.. I bought the head used and it had EH 12 ax7s across the board. (Including the cathode followers) They changed out v3 and v4 with Chinese 12 ax 7s and the spongy setting came back to life and the bold setting sounded better than it had since I had owned the amp. Apparently the Russian pre's don't cut it in those particular positions. One of my new Mesa STR 440 6l6's also shorted out while amp was being serviced. I ended up buying a new quad of JJ 6l6's as well. I have since received a replacement tube from Mesa.