best mesa for cleans?

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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hey there, just wondering which mesa u guys think has the nicest clean sounds? i`ve heard fender twins etc are really good but would rather stick with mesa. if possible a guitar head would suit better but would consider combo`s :)
i play metal/hardcore music and use rectifier`s for that, but interested in an amp for nice cleans, and also to add a little delay, chorus etc to as well. i`ve been looking at mark 4`s and keeping an eye on ebay at the moment.
The LSC has the best clean... and having owned 3 1960's Fenders I would say it is as good or better than the Fenders.
The MKIV clean is not even in the same league... sorry it is a flat lifeless sound IMO.
Most of the other Mesas are similar to the LSC but not as good.
My second favorite Mesa clean is the Stiletto Fat Clean mode which is basically the LSC clean but with EL34 power tubes, so it's got the edge.
interrogate said:
hey there, just wondering which mesa u guys think has the nicest clean sounds? i`ve heard fender twins etc are really good but would rather stick with mesa. if possible a guitar head would suit better but would consider combo`s :)

Lone Star Classic or the Lone Star Special!!!!! Both sound incredible and have excellent reverb too!!! Can't go wrong with either one!
I played a DR that had an FJA mod and the clean sounded amazing on it, way better than on stock rectifiers.
Jonberrier said:
What about the Tremoverb. I like it better than my Roadster (or LSC) cleans.


True dat. I love the cleans on my TOV.

But it's different (more F*nder-ish) than my other Mesas. I totally love it.

I LOOOOOOVE the clean on my MarkIV. Very sturdy - no flab or sag.
Road King (which has some of the Lonestar cleans) and the MarkIV have great cleans.
I agree on the MKIV not having any sag... I guess that is why it's not high on my list of cleans... Fender clean is what I grew up with and those rectifier tubes make a huge difference. Nice sag and sparkly highs but with depth. LSS is very nice as well. But if you don't like the Fender clean I can see liking the MKIV. It's an in your face clean... and that's cool too if you like that.
Mark series amps have super punchy, kick you in the gut cleans. Lonestar cleans are awesome and very transparent with a bit softer feel when playing, IMO.
My Roadster has the best cleans of any amp I've ever owned (including a '69 deluxe reverb and a '74 twin) but considering the Roadster and Road King II cleans are based on the voicing and circuitry of the Lone Star I've got to say the Lonestar is the best Mesa clean sound.