Barber Tone Press settings

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2007
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seems like several of us use this pedal, curious what settings you use. I find myself 'always on' at ~11:00 blend/sustain. What about you?
i find unity gain, when using it as a compressor..

typically, for my amp, that's about 2:30

then, for blend, straight up noon...

and for sustain, straight up noon.

if i want squish, i go to full right on blend, and about 1:30 on sustain.

factory settings inside. (yes, there's a trim pot)

but my favorite way to use it, is VOL max, blend all the way to the left (bypassed) and then it's a Clean Boost.

that, with my lead channel, is a super smooth sound, especially when i'm using a single coil neck sound with a glassy setting on the amp.
I've got mine set a bit above unity.
it's routed pre distortion

volume 2 oclock
blend 3 oclock
sustain 1 oclock

I go back and forth on the trim pot
it has been sitting at 11 0clock but I just changed it to 1 oclock on Tuesday.
Sustain 3:30-4:00
Vol - unity
Blend - 10:00

These settings will fatten things up quite a bit, preserve guitar's original tone and give sustain for days. Great for single coils.
I got this pedal to get more sustain out of my archtop without loosing any of the attack, so my settings are pretty subtle.

Vol. - 2:30, just enough for a bit of boost that thickens the tone. More if the compression and blend settings are low.

Blend - 8:30~10:30, depending on the amp. Less with a Boogie, because they already put some nice natural tube compression on it

Sustain: 9~11:00. When setting this, I listen carefully to the decay, and hearing how the gain is boosted. If the gain is coming up faster than the decay, I reduce this.

Trim: rolled off a bit from the max. There is a bit of raspyness in the tone when it's wide open.

Overall, the controls are very sensitive which is good because this pedal is affected by everything that comes before it and after it. Never in a bad way, but it is a powerful pedal. Also, I noticed the compression is a bit faster with a booster in front (eg. Barber Launch Pad)

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