Band Demo with Dual Recto!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

Here's the first song my new band has recorded....singing could be redone, but we are leaving it as is for now due to lack of time :? ...everything was on first take.

All the guitar tracks are done with my PRS Singlecut into a 3 channel dual rectifier, miced with an SM57....

Feedback welcome, and thanks for your time!

Here's the link:
I'm is in the original post!

I can't say it's my best work, but it's a start...I am far from a recording guru yet :?
I like your tone!

That Singlecut sounds huge.

The singer needs to work on the singing.
Lol...I'm well aware....we just have to find time to sit down and rerecord, which can prove quite hard at times :x
dude, the PRS sounds pretty nice! I like the chords on the chorus. You guys need to spice up the verses a little, though.
bass would help it out a lot to be honest. but not horrible overall
I think I have to side with barneyc4. Your guitar sounds great. The rest of the band sounds good too though I think your bassist sounds a little strange in the mix. Your singer definitely needs work. If he can't get better pitch him and get someone else. It may be the thing that would hold you guys back.
As always, thanks to all for the input.

As of now, the singer is the best we have around here. He has a very raw talent, which I think if he worked at more, he could really excel in. He's been "singing" for about 3 weeks...I'm still trying to convince him that as a singer he actually has to practice too. He has a powerful voice...but not much control over it yet....

Any advice on exercises for singers?
Yes, definitely scales. Then sustained notes and breathing exercises. Practice hitting notes on both ends of vocal range back to back. Practice various levels of volume for dynamics and also mic technique. A good frontman should also be a crowd pleaser. He should be able to get them pumped and work them. His presence should also be that of a spectacle in a way but not too overboard that it becomes solely his show. If he smokes anything he should quit. Also good health and plenty of rest are essential to keeping his voice in top shape. Diaphragm exercises to push his voice are paramount. If he strains his vocal chords he will have a shortened career as a front man. I know he might feel a little strange doing this but have him also watch other people. A lot of a singers movements are key to getting the sound to come out. Have him practice really using his mouth if he doesn't. Singing through a relatively closed mouth isn't very conducive to a good performance of things that really need to be belted out because it keeps the sound from coming out. Like any instrument vocals are something that need to be practiced. You can't just all of a sudden walk in and nail a performance without having prepared for it. Once he has some experience then practice will be less important but warmups will still be important. There are some real born singers but they are far and few between. Most will need some work and dedication to their craft.
+1 to the above. watch brandon boyd of incubus...the way he moves his mouth to accentuate certain words is very cool.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you'll want to keep his ego in check but not so much that you squash his confidence. Frontman ego can get carried away very easily.
sounds great for a first take. nice job on the guitar playing. give that singer a shot for sure, if he's only been at it a little while (like 3 weeks) he's doing a good job and could probably improve dramatically over time with practice.

the guitar sounds the most refined in terms of tone, and also sounds the "nearest" or "closest" in the mix, the vocals and drums sound a little farther away (i'm not exactly sure how you would fix that), and the bass sounds a tad bit quiet.

how did you do the recording?
What was your master and output set at? It sounds not set too high (9:00??), which it still sounds good.

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