Are older Mark IVs "better"?

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
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I'd like to know a bit more about the amp I own...

I've read someone stating not long ago that older Mark IV were better... Something about parts from other manufacturer that weren't being used anymore...

Any of this true?

"better" is probably not a proper term, being tone such a subjective topic.

If any of you could inlight me with whatever history/facts you have on the Mark IV I'd appreciate it.

I own a 1990 1x12 'Short' Combo with EV 200W Speaker. I was thinking of maybe selling mine and getting a new HEAD cuz I'm sick of carrying it around, it's so heavy.

BTW. I tried searching the forum for a similar thread with no success.

I don't know anything about the tonal differences, but you can certainly buy a new head shell for the amp chassis and save a lot of cash over buying a new amp.
The 1990 would be a MK IV Circuit A. It has the identical lead channel to the IIC+ and the 12AT7 reverb driver. It also had a slightly larger PT, but not by much. In all actuality, unless you did an A/B comparison you will never know which one is best for you. It's kind of like asking if a 1716 Strativarius is better that the 1720.
BB, is there a reference you can check to see what Rev you have and what changes were made with each Rev? I got my bubinga/wicker short combo in 91...

Thanks, Dave
I can't find any head shell here in Brazil... As strange as it may seem, I could sell my used Mark IV down here and get enough money to buy a brand new one when I travel.

I just needed to know if they'd be the exact same amp so I don't do anything stupid I might regret later on...

How can I be sure what Circuit mine is? Circuit A was done through the whole year in 1990? The exact day hand-written in my chassis is December 21st 1990.

Here's a pic of my amp (with guitar) for those interested:
I had a 91 and a 92 Mark IV. Both had the 12at7 tube and the old effects loop, so I guess the "A" version was used for a few years.
i have a november 92 mark iv. i wonder what curcuit it has. how do you check? it has the old effects loop from what i can tell.
I'm the owner of a used 1991 Mark IV (June 26, 1991)

The tube configuration is written under the chassis with a black marker near each socket as follow : V1, V2, V3, V4 = 12AX7 and V5 = 12AT7

Is there anyone who own a Mark IV with same configuration as mine ? Normally, 12AT7s are used in the reverb section or effect-loops, but mine is used at the phase-inverter position and other positions are all 12AX7.
As far as I can remember, both my Mark IV´s had the 12at7 in the V4 position. It´s been a few years since I sold them, so I could be wrong.
The MK IV B came out around 9/10 of 1993. I have a 10/93 MK IV B with the sus-mount cab and the Black Shadow EV. Some tard bought it in 93 and decided he could not figure out how to use it. He put it in his closet covered until 1995 when he traded it in at a GC where I nailed it for $ 750.00.
Sad but true, a time capsule MK IV at a steal of a price. There was not even dust on the fan and it had the original tubes. I have never been so lucky and probably never will again.

A great amp....
Hmm... now you guys mentioned the tubes...

Mine is written on one of the sockets that it should have a 12AT7 and for the rest 12AX7...

The thing is, all my tubes are 12AX7. I bought it used and that's how it was when I got it.

Is there any problem with this? What's the difference?

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