are cats attracted to amps?

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
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Toronto Canada
This might sound weird but my cat, the one that never goes into my room, came in my room about 2 minutes ago and started sniffing around, THEN she goes up to my mark combo and sniffs the tubes and just smells it for a while then she puts her first paw in it. THEN her second and then tries to go inside of it, but realizes she' too **** fat. so after that I grabbed her and then kicked her in the face. OK that last part I made up. But i found it kind of funny :)

My cousin's cat used to love to lounge on the amps. Not in them but on them. There again rack amps would be hard to climb into aside from between the units and even then challenging even for a cat.
Cat's are strange critters. They see things that aren't there and go from purring to attack in an instant like women. I much prefer dogs.
Lol, I have a dog as well, two actually. I like this cat because it makes me laugh, it lives the life. It stays home all day, eats, sleeps, sleep some more and gets it's back massaged ( petted ) by everyone. That's the life right there.
really? my cat loves loud music because she'll sit right infront of the speakers or very close, for over like 10 years,
Yes, dogs know when you are coming home. They seem to sense it. They can also sense your sentiments. I found this very interesting myself.

They seem to make good polishing dusters :D
Cat's are strange critters. They see things that aren't there and go from purring to attack in an instant like women. I much prefer dogs.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I much prefer women. You don't get as much hair in your teeth when you eat them.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
The first thing to understanding cats is "no forehead, no brain". After that a lot of things start to make sense. My old cat used to think that I was talking to him when I was on the phone, so he'd start talking back. Watch out if a cat is trying to crawl into your amp. It could be that the kitty litter needs changin'.

I like both cats and dogs. A cat is lower maintenance overall, but a dog is right there for ya.
Just watch out that that kitten doesn't grow fond of turning your cabs into scratching posts. I almost killed my cousin's cat for thinking the front of my speaker cab was a scratching post.
My wife has 2 huge cats that love to hang out in my Studio, They love the height the speakers give them or something relating to that. They don't hang around long when those speakers get to thumping'. However my dog likes to lay at my feet while I'm playing, seems to enjoy the sounds...
Nick_cor said:
really? my cat loves loud music because she'll sit right infront of the speakers or very close, for over like 10 years,
My cat does it too! It's strange because when I turn the amp on and hit the first chord the cat runs away immediately, but when I'm already playing and she passes in front of the speaker she often stands there with no problems.
i was reading this hi fi magazine ages ago and some where i remember it saying something about "cat's loving hi fi amp's" to sleep on becasue of the warmth created by the tubes/transistor's..and to beware of car fur and it getting into your amp's heat vent grills.can kill the amp like dust does..i didn't really believe it ...TILL NOW!!!
Before I got a Thiele, I used to wonder why my amp's settings would change from day to day. Then I saw my cat sharpening his non-existent claws on my amp. He actually turned the knobs in the process. Now he just jumps up on the Boogie for a little scratchin'.
Hahah yeah! cats are funny little thing if it were possible I'd train a tiger, that'd be kick ***, or even a spider monkey. teach him how to play drums or something. :D

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