Anyone using an OD with their MV?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
Just wondering if anyone is using an OD on clean channel and/or as a boost. I've got space on my pedalboard for another pedal or two. Was thinking about a TS and Phase 90. I've heard the TS does not do well for light breakup with humbuckers. What else is out there that won't break the bank? True Bypass is a major plus.
I use several. Sometimes I use them over the clean channel, sometimes
to add drive/boost to channels 2 or 3. I often combine several for extreme
tones. Currently using Fulltone OCD, Fulldrive2 & GT500, Keeley Fuzzhead,
Marshall Jackhammer in a variety of combinations.
I like getting a nice powerful chord sound in Crunch mode on Ch2 or Extreme in Ch4,
then kicking in the OCD for leads. If that's not enough, hit the solo switch for
a little more oomph. Whatever sounds good to you!
I use a Fulltone OCD on channel one fat. It basically is like a fourth channel. I use it for a slight break up type of sound.
Hey MusicMan,
I recently bought a Maxon OD808 and I am really liking it. I use on the clean channel as well as a boost, does both REALLY well. I've had many OD's such as a BB Preamp, OCD, and a Keeley TS-9. This little guy holds up nicely to all of them. I liked the BB allot, tone controls were very responsive. Tough call here, but the Maxon is great for $150.00. Hope I didn't add to your confusion!
I use a Digitech Bad Monkey for leads with all the pedal settings at 12:00. It adds a nice midrange "quack" that isn't too over the top, and doesn't shoot your tone to hell. GREAT pedal for 40 bucks.
I use a BB-preamp sometimes. Sounds great for thicker sounds. Not needed, but fun to fool around with when pushing the pre-amp. Good luck with your tone hunt!
4406cuda said:
I use a Fulltone OCD on channel one fat. It basically is like a fourth channel. I use it for a slight break up type of sound.

+1. I do exaclty the same with the OCD. A fourth channel and it works well with humbuckers.
After a few days with the Mark V I literally disassembled my pedal board, put a couple of custom OD pedals (a modified Lovepedal 'Burst Eternity circuit and a heavily modified Marshall Bluesbreaker circuit) and an Orange Squeezer clone (all my builds) in my gear bag, and loaned the board, power supply, and remaining pedals to my brother indefinitely.

I have tried OD pedals out in front of the Mark V and they work very well both as standalone overdrive into the clean channel and as boosts in front of either drive channel. Definitely very useful sounds! I'll have them should I choose to use one but The amp is so satisfying on its own that I'm not sure they'll get used. Time will tell.
I really like the Keeley TS-9 on channel 1 for light OD and as a solo boost on channel 3.
Oldschool said:
I really like the Keeley TS-9 on channel 1 for light OD and as a solo boost on channel 3.

This is what I'm leaning towards. Do you use the same settings for both applications? How's the bypass?
MusicManJP6 said:
Oldschool said:
I really like the Keeley TS-9 on channel 1 for light OD and as a solo boost on channel 3.

This is what I'm leaning towards. Do you use the same settings for both applications? How's the bypass?

Yes, I don´t remember excact drive level, but it´s light drive for channel one which works great for extra sustain in the channel 3. The Keeley TS-9 is supposed to be true bypass, and I can´t hear any difference when I unplug the TS-9.
I use a Catalinbread Silverkiss in the clean channel. Gives you almost an "Edge" style gain, which allows me to have crunch running in channel two.
I am also using a Fulltone OCD for OD in Channel 1. Like many others have said it adds a nice "fourth" channel. I returned a Maxon 808 because it drove the amp a little too much and was unusable in CH 3.
Sold my Keeley TS-9 like a dope, sounded awesome pushing the clean channel of my F50. Currently using a Boss BD-2 for boost on the clean channel of the Mark V. Have a Timmy ordered and should be here sometime in January to hopefully replace the Boss.
i dont know if this helps but i really LOVE the BB preamp and i hope you get to try that its an awesome pedal! goodluck on your search!
I'm using a Diamond J-Drive with my MKIV and that sounds great!!...I'm sure it will sound just as sweet on the MKV.

Divil :)
nicoroy123 said:
4406cuda said:
I use a Fulltone OCD on channel one fat. It basically is like a fourth channel. I use it for a slight break up type of sound.

+1. I do exaclty the same with the OCD. A fourth channel and it works well with humbuckers.
+2 I do exactly the same

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