Anyone Using A Nova System w/ The Mark IV?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
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I'm tempted by this little unit since, with something like an RJM Mini Amp Gizmo, I could switch channels as well. I've heard some guys complain that you can't route the effects so if you put it in the loop, everything's in the loop. How bad can that be?

Just thought I'd ask around here.


Ya you can use it two ways, in the loop or out in front. I wish it could do the 4CM but that would probably cut into their G-system sales. I think the Delay and reverbs are really cool but some of the other features could use some work. Like the chours doesn't sound as good and the pitch effects can't handle chords or pitches lower than D. and the tuner can't tune lower than D without using harmonics
I use a Nova System in the loop of my Triple Rec and IIC+. I didn't want to use rack gear, and the Nova's footprint is smaller than a typical multi-fx floorboad so it fits on my pedalboard with my other pedals (OD, tuner, wah). I have an amp gizmo.

Since I only use it for fx, I don't mind that it doesn't do 4CM. What I like best about it is the footswitch mode where three switches choose different patches, four control on/off for pitch, mod, delay, boost, and one sets tap tempo. This allows me to switch between clean/rhythm/lead tones, and also to toggle effects on/off individually if needed as well.

As for the effects, the reverb and delay are great. The pitch effects also track well and sound good, although I mostly use it to add slightly detuned voices (kind of a non-swirling chorus). I have been somewhat unhappy with some of the modulation effects (to my surprise, given TC's reputation)... particularly the flanger. Lastly, I don't use the boost, because it takes some of the life out of my signal when disengaged (it works by attenuating your signal when off, but I get this problem even if I boost my output to compensate, so I've concluded that at least in my rig, the boost sucks tone a little).

Overall, it's a pretty nice little package if you don't want to use rack gear. Buy one from somewhere with a good return policy and let your ears decide.
Hey Freefall, can you post a pic or two of your rig? I am interested in doing this same thing and since you already did it...

Are you changing amp channels as well with the amp gizmo? If so, do you house the gizmo in a rack? I like your point about not using a rack, but it sounds like it might still be necessary... maybe a little tiny wireless shallow rack. Anyway, thanks.
Mark Fore said:
Hey Freefall, can you post a pic or two of your rig? I am interested in doing this same thing and since you already did it...

Are you changing amp channels as well with the amp gizmo? If so, do you house the gizmo in a rack? I like your point about not using a rack, but it sounds like it might still be necessary... maybe a little tiny wireless shallow rack. Anyway, thanks.
I don't have a pic, but it's easy to describe. It's not too sexy, I just have the amp gizmo sitting on top of the head, rather than in a rack. I have a long midi cable running from my Nova System on my pedal board to the amp gizmo. To keep things a little cleaner, I made a snake using small tie wraps that bundles the midi cable with the guitar cables I have running back and forth. It sets up pretty quickly. There are products (like MIDI Solutions' Relay box, or Sound Scuplture's FootSim) that could do the job and fit on my pedal board, and I'm thinking about going with one of those at some point.
The nova system is a great multi effects unit.The delays and reverbs are just ok but just like others said that the chorus and some other modulation are not good enough.And the thing that i hated most about it is that if you hook it into the effects loop it will color the sound of your amp badly.It'll be ok in front of the amp but i need the modulation in the effects loop.This unit is going to ebay.

I'm thinking about individual pedals in the effects loop.I just need a phaser , delay and chorus. Can anyone suggest a pedal that will not color the tone of my amp.

Thanks in advance,
I love TC gear. I've recently been looking at the Nova System as a good all around grab-n-go unit, but I haven't made a decision yet. I'm currently using a TC Nova Repeater for delay and a pinch of chorus in the loop of my Mark IIIs and it sounds absolutely phenominal. Very, very transparent. Since delay and chorus are pretty much the base of my sound ( and the Nova Repeater handles these quite well), I start to feel that the Nova System might become a bit redundant since any other modulations I use (such as phase,'verb, and tremolo) I already have set up as seperate stompboxes in the loop. Probably just the novelty of the thought.

I run my Nova System with my Mark IV and it's freakin' amazing.

I run it in the loop (who needs distortions or overdrives with a Mark IV anyhow?) and I can't say a single poor thing about the system.

To the guys who said it sucked tone, did you try changing the routing on the System itself? You can switch between Parallel, Semi-Parellel, and Serial. I use it in Serial and the choruses and phasers sound clean as hell and the delay is exactly how delay should sound. Also, when in serial, the trem effects, rotary effects, and pitch shifting (and harmonizer) sound a whole lot better. (As if being run straight in)

Definitely check it out, it keeps the rig simple, easy to hook up, and it sounds fantastic. Definitely the best effects unit for under $1K. I picked mine up for $250 used at Guitar Center, which was a steal. The only complaint is that sometimes if you have a preset with a compressor active, it'll make a loud pop when you switch to it... so be weary if you use a compressor in the unit.

The other complaint actually, is that it doesn't have a power switch... so to turn it off you have to unplug it. Kinda stuipd, but whatever.

Anyways, if you have any questions ask away and I'll answer as best as I can!
stev0griffin said:
The other complaint actually, is that it doesn't have a power switch... so to turn it off you have to unplug it. Kinda stuipd, but whatever.

I don't mind that at all. It's in the loop of my Mark IV and connected to an Amp Gizmo so it handles my switching as well. It's plugged into the power conditioner in the rack so it comes on when my rig does. Why would anyone not buy this because it has no switch? :D
hey guys, can you program the simulclass/class a aswell w/ the mini amp gizmo?.. thanks
vhyken said:
hey guys, can you program the simulclass/class a aswell w/ the mini amp gizmo?.. thanks

Yes. It's in the documentation and so I forget which jack on the gizmo it is but you have to run a separate cable from the jack on the Mark IV to the gizmo. In other words, you can do it but not with the custom mark iv cable. You'll need to run one more line.
Can't do it on the mini... only the larger, half rack sized amp gizmo. The mini will only take the custom cable and class A/Simul is not an option on the Mark IV footswitch. An easy way to remember is:

* Mini Amp Gizmo w/ Custom Cable (only option) --> same functions as the Mark IV footswitch
* Amp Gizmo --> can use either the custom cable OR manually assign the 8 function jacks to any ext. outs on the back of the Mark IV by using six separate cables.
The Nova System does look really nice, and I would love to be able to do 1 button switching between clean w/effects, dry rythem, and lead w/ boost and effects. It's a bit of a pain trying to hit 3 pedals at once in a live situation.

I was thinking about a GCX switcher + Ground Control pro or some other midi controller and just putting my Carbon Copy and Tubescreamer in a rack drawer, but maybe the Nova System and Amp gizmo would be tidier.

Would I be able to integrate my Tubescreamer into the Nova System/amp gizmo rig so I can have my boost up front, delay in the loop, and still do 1 button switching or do I need a GCX for that?
edgecrusher said:
Would I be able to integrate my Tubescreamer into the Nova System/amp gizmo rig so I can have my boost up front, delay in the loop, and still do 1 button switching or do I need a GCX for that?
I believe you'll still need the GCX or something similar for that.

Earlier in this thread (about a year ago!) I described my Nova/Amp Gizmo setup (I'm using a IIC+). Since then I've dropped the amp gizmo in favor of an Axess Electronics GRX4, which has three MIDI switchable loops and a fourth separate loop that can also be used as a relay. I run a compressor and an overdrive in the loops for boost options in front of the amp, and I use the fourth loop as a relay to switch channels on my IIC+. This setup allows everything to be MIDI switchable. It works great, but alas, it won't help if you need more than one relay as you might for a Mark IV. You could consider a TC G-system to solve these problem in one package (if I remember right, it has two relays, but I'm not sure).
Freefall said:
edgecrusher said:
Would I be able to integrate my Tubescreamer into the Nova System/amp gizmo rig so I can have my boost up front, delay in the loop, and still do 1 button switching or do I need a GCX for that?
I believe you'll still need the GCX or something similar for that.

Earlier in this thread (about a year ago!) I described my Nova/Amp Gizmo setup (I'm using a IIC+). Since then I've dropped the amp gizmo in favor of an Axess Electronics GRX4, which has three MIDI switchable loops and a fourth separate loop that can also be used as a relay. I run a compressor and an overdrive in the loops for boost options in front of the amp, and I use the fourth loop as a relay to switch channels on my IIC+. This setup allows everything to be MIDI switchable. It works great, but alas, it won't help if you need more than one relay as you might for a Mark IV. You could consider a TC G-system to solve these problem in one package (if I remember right, it has two relays, but I'm not sure).

I just got my Mark V about ten days ago and I'm beyond happy with it. After playing this amp there is no question that you get what you pay for... I am looking to add some effects,- I've considered the Line 6 stomp modeling boxes, the TC Nova, the Ax Fx, and just adding more individual pedals.... All things considered, price, tone quality, functionality, footprint etc...All logic points to the G System - you can get a new G System for as low $1100 on EBay, so by the time you buy Midi foot switchers and amp gizmos with a Nova system or similar, you could get the G System....looks like I'm going this way...

bluewave said:
Freefall said:
edgecrusher said:
All things considered, price, tone quality, functionality, footprint etc...All logic points to the G System - you can get a new G System for as low $1100 on EBay, so by the time you buy Midi foot switchers and amp gizmos with a Nova system or similar, you could get the G System....looks like I'm going this way...


You can get a used Nova for $300 (in fact I paid $339 for a new one) and a used gizmo for $200. Still way ahead of the money you'd spend on a G. If you want to add pedals to either you'll still need extra gear. The only real benefit to the G is that you can use the 4CM to get different effects into the loop or in front. Plus, you'd still need a gizmo with the G in order to use a single cable to the amp.
I am considering Nova system with my mark V combo. Anyone using the limited version? Any tips?
