Anyone prefer the Mark IV to the Mark V... Why?

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MusicManJP6 said:
Can anyone describe the difference between the IV and V lead channel in detail? What makes the IV's CH3 sound better in particular?
It's similar to comparing the IV to the Triaxis (except the V sounds way better than the tri). The V is a snapshot of the IV tone meaning that if you could adjust the tone on a IV from 1 to 100 then the V will have a range of 45 to 65. This is the best way I can describe it. Its really hard to compare the two as apples and apples since they are very different amps. Like I mentioned earlier, if I was in the market for a new amp it would definitely be a V. For financial reasons, the V isn't enough of an upgrade for me to sell my IV and pony up the rest of the dough. Someday :wink:
Seems like the layout of the V is better. Also, I like the 10 watt option although Im not really sure I'll ever use it. :) Does anyone actually use the 10 watt power option?

Im assuming one of the strong points of the V is channel II. May be worth it just for that??
TimeSignature said:
Seems like the layout of the V is better. Also, I like the 10 watt option although Im not really sure I'll ever use it. :) Does anyone actually use the 10 watt power option?

Im assuming one of the strong points of the V is channel II. May be worth it just for that??

10 watts is great for low volume tone or cranking the output master for a different feel. Channel 2 definitely gets two thumbs up from me as well. Much more usable than the IV's CH2 (more versatile too).

The layout is much more user friendly on the V for sure.
the IV can do 15 watts in simul class/class A..and when switched to tweed it drops to roughly half of that as i understand it based on the far as rhythm 2 on the IV..mesa describes it as the most versatile channel on the amp, and i believe can do anything from cleans, broken up cleans, crunch, more of a metal crunch and be used as a second lead channel for solos..i don't know what else you'd use a channel for..that almost covers everything (at least that i can think of lol)..either way, both different, but great amps. the mark V is less of a mark amp, and more of a greatest hits to me..but either way, both great amps.
Fronzil said:
the mark V is less of a mark amp, and more of a greatest hits to me...

That's a good way to describe it. I'll never be able to own an original Mark I, IIC+, and IV all at the same time so the V is the best bang for my buck. I've never heard a real Mark I or IIC+, and it's been about 2 years since I owned a Mark IV, but without the real mccoys here to compare i think all the modes on the V sound killer! When I get tired of a sound I just flip a mode switch and turn a few knobs and I'm back in business. 8)
Fronzil said:
as far as rhythm 2 on the IV..mesa describes it as the most versatile channel on the amp, and i believe can do anything from cleans, broken up cleans, crunch, more of a metal crunch and be used as a second lead channel for solos..i don't know what else you'd use a channel for..

Problem is, most people who bought a IV expected to get an amp which could do clean on ch1, CHUGGACHUGGA on ch2 and louderCHUGGACHUGGAforsolos on ch3.

They found finesse on ch2, didn't really know what to do with it :wink:
straitouttahell said:
Fronzil said:
as far as rhythm 2 on the IV..mesa describes it as the most versatile channel on the amp, and i believe can do anything from cleans, broken up cleans, crunch, more of a metal crunch and be used as a second lead channel for solos..i don't know what else you'd use a channel for..

Problem is, most people who bought a IV expected to get an amp which could do clean on ch1, CHUGGACHUGGA on ch2 and louderCHUGGACHUGGAforsolos on ch3.

They found finesse on ch2, didn't really know what to do with it :wink:

haha, totally...IV for life!!! amd MMJP6..i'd kill a small child for a mark V..also i have no doubt the lead channel sounds sick on extreme, IIC+ and IV..but as you obviously gathered, it was the comparison to the originals in question...they are different amps for sure, both deadly, and useful in their own respects...the should've almost called the mark V "the boogie"
haha, totally...IV for life!!! amd MMJP6..i'd kill a small child for a mark V..also i have no doubt the lead channel sounds sick on extreme, IIC+ and IV..but as you obviously gathered, it was the comparison to the originals in question...they are different amps for sure, both deadly, and useful in their own respects...the should've almost called the mark V "the boogie"
Or "Mark" :lol:
I have owned a II, III, IV. I think the V is a good amp. I just like the IV better. It has nothing to do with the V being able to do the sounds of the other amps. That was not a issue at all for me.

The reason I like the lead channel better on the II, III and IV is you can voice it a lot of ways with the 2 gain knobs. All three of these amps have a different voice from the same family. This is also true of the V. It is only a matter of taste.
I really don't care for the new mk V. If it was such a good amp why are there so many on and off Ebay. I have a mk IV and mk IIc+. How i run both of these in there own right Simply, it couldn't be better. they are really good.
I am sure they are amazing amp.They Do look and sound Great. But you don't need to sell your already amazingly good amps for one. I would just buy it and then work out which one you like and then the one that losers.

BTW Willie and mark from Lamb of god Both said they perfered the mk IV to the 5.Just a small Note.
The only thing I think the V does better than the IV is Channel 2. When someone says the V's clean "kills" the IV's clean I laugh. Even if you think it's "better", how much "better" can it possibly be? The IV has great cleans. The V has nice cleans too. How the V "kills" the IV in that regard is beyond me.

I didn't like anything about Channel 3 on the V. And let's face it: that's the most important channel for most players that are going to buy a V. If you own an OD, then Channel 2 on the IV is in the same ball park as Channel 2 on the V. Keep in mind that most people who don't like Channel 2 on the IV feel that way because they think it didn't have enough gain.

I'd be careful asking for an opinion on the V around these parts. There are alot of honeymooners here. And that's cool. But I bet a year from now, the opinions will be more objective.

Fronzil said:
...the mark V is less of a mark amp, and more of a greatest hits to me...

But the question is: A greatest hits of what amps? Most don't think the IV mode sounds like a IV or the IIC+ mode sounds like a IIC+.

It has to be considered it's own thing. Which it is.
CudBucket said:
most people who don't like Channel 2 on the IV feel that way because they think it didn't have enough gain.
if it had any more gain on Rhy 2 it would be Rhy 3!!!

I think the gain on Rhy 2 is fine. gives a classic rock/Marshally feel to my ears.
CudBucket said:
Fronzil said:
...the mark V is less of a mark amp, and more of a greatest hits to me...

But the question is: A greatest hits of what amps? Most don't think the IV mode sounds like a IV or the IIC+ mode sounds like a IIC+.

It has to be considered it's own thing. Which it is.

well, mesa kinda refer to it as that...has the lonestar cleans pretty down, and i heard rhythm 2 does a decent mark I
The comment about r2 finding finesse is right on. I have been finding this channel better and better the more I lower the gain. I have it at about 4 now, and it's a great semi-clean edge of breakup. When I was trying to use it as a 'crunch' channel with gain settings of 8-10 I couldn't get it to work for me. Nothing but flappy cardboard boxes farting. FWIW I have an early (Sn 550) MKIVa short combo with EV.
I think a lot of people want Rhythm 2 of the IV to sound more like a hot rodded Marshall with more gain. It does a OK crunch .... but does not sound like the Marshall / Orange / Hiwatt amps I have owned. It is a wide range channel with pretty good dynamics. I use it as much as the other two myself.
Ive been messing with channel 2 recently on the IV and I've been surprised at exactly how much gain you can get. IMO it gets very saturated and sounds great. I think Im going to keep my IV, I really cant justify the IV plus $1000 for the V. For what I am doing (bedroom playing / hobby as of now) the IV and the rest of my arsenal of amps is plenty.

I'd still prefer a IV head to my combo if anyone's interested in a local trade. 8)

I really appreciate everyone's input. I have a feeling I will own a V once the used price comes down a bit. The GAS has passed. lol
rhythm 2 really can get quite saturated like you said..with the right tubes and settings, it's one of the most versatile channels i've heard..throw in a good OD pedal (which 99% of the guitar community own) and you can do anything with it.
I made a dedicated trip to the local mesa dealer here in Iceland to convince myself to sell the IV and get a V. It kinda flipped on me, after hours of playing and tweaking I decided to keep the lV. The V is by all means a very good amp but to my ears it's not good enough to sell the IV and fork up the extra dough for a V. Maby someday I'll have 'em both but until such time arrives I'm GASLESS :mrgreen:

I'm so happy with the IV that I'm selling the ENGL.

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