Anyone build their own bass cab?

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Jan 11, 2008
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Hey guys and gals. New to the forum. Just purchased the Scout 15" Neodymium 300 - 8 ohm speaker on the Mesa website. Never built a speaker cabinet before, but i'm going to give it a go (with help from friends of course).

Has anyone tackled this before, or has this topic been covered on this forum at all?
If anyone has any info on building your own cab, or any links that may help, please reply. I'll need all the info I can get on this.
Cheers! :)
I'll never tackle that myself, even as much as a DIY guy that I am.

Based on the fact that you can find excellent used Mesa or other brand gear for a lot less than new, and it comes with the "right stuff" built into it, like top-quality components, the right type wood, proper dimensions for the driver, proper size venting, I don't own any real woodworking tools to speak of. It just wouldn't be cost-effective for me.

Now, home made basses, that's another thing. I can gather parts for, assemble and finish a top-notch fender clone bass to my specs, cheaper than I can buy one...

There are guys who do their own cabs, and many hang on the TalkBass forums.

Good luck and have fun.
Find somebody that has a powerhouse 15, and take a close gander at it.
Measure everthing on it.
But I'm with THB on talk bass forums.
Lots of good info there.
Look into buying an empty cab from avatar, or similar mfg too.
I use 2 TL606 EV design cabs. One I bought and the other one I built from EV plans. They are identical to the Mesa Diesel.

Here's a thread:

You'll need access to a woodshop with a good jointer/planer and a good saw.

It's a doable DIY project.

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