Another American icon GONE!!

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yeah... in fact inbev is the fusion of interbrew (belgium) and ambev (brazil)...

in belgium we didn't see this fusion as something good... in fact even in our small country some little breweries just disapears... and those beers are now made in big factories...

at last, the Peculiarities of each brand will fade away into a unique "falvour" beer ! capitalism guys :?
I don't drink but I bought "bud" with the first hint of a takeover and sold this morning.

best "Bud" I ever had!
Cool . more hop's ?
More barley malt ?

Wonder if the the beer will improve ?

Oh no . perhaps this is a good thing for Budweiser , a bad thing for

Prima Pil's ?


Belgian beer's don't suck .

I think we are going to have to get used to being part of this planet .
Its sad that American companies are selling out and selling us short just to make bigger profits. I go to the bar and see the neon bud sign that say an American tradition or something like that, well not any more. We are just slowly selling off parts of our country to make a profit for a small few, but will have huge impacts for the rest of us down the road. Just my 2 cents.
We are just slowly selling off parts of our country to make a profit for a small few, but will have huge impacts for the rest of us down the road.

this is what US do to the rest of the humanity since the end of ww2 : break diversity, tradition, original culture for profit...
meursault said:
We are just slowly selling off parts of our country to make a profit for a small few, but will have huge impacts for the rest of us down the road.

this is what US do to the rest of the humanity since the end of ww2 : break diversity, tradition, original culture for profit...
Please elaborate.
meursault said:
this is what US do to the rest of the humanity since the end of ww2 : break diversity, tradition, original culture for profit...
Even more nonsense! :roll:
first off its not the company selling itself its the stockholder vote selling off the majority shares to inbev to profit more than the market worth is for those shares. second the brand will still operate as normal with the same people in place, nothing will change except that a foreign coorpoartion will cash the check. also if you really care about american beer try some good ones like Shiner bock, and shiner black, in kentucky there is Blue grass brewing company BBC they have a nice line of stuff. and also try Great Lakes elliot ness and dortmunder gold from cleveland, they are nice. also gooseisland and of coarse blue moon if you like citrus wheat beer.
Speaking as someone who grew up & lives in Missouri, the state where Anheuser-Busch was headquartered, the day that the buyout was accepted was a sad day. Although there is a a bit of a KC/StL rivalry going on (us Kansas Citians still like to rub the Royals '85 World Series victory in face of Cards fans), we were still proud to drink the beer that originated from the show-me state. (Can't speak for the Jayhawks fans however...thats another rivalry I'll have to explain some other Not to mention that InBev has a reputation for cutting costs (jobs)

Although AB will always be a part of Missouri heritage, I don't think I can bring myself to being a loyal Bud Light customer anymore, I think I may give Coors Light a try, (Coors was considering KC as a location for their new headquarters...)
EleventhHour2139 said:
meursault said:
We are just slowly selling off parts of our country to make a profit for a small few, but will have huge impacts for the rest of us down the road.

this is what US do to the rest of the humanity since the end of ww2 : break diversity, tradition, original culture for profit...
Please elaborate.

no... elaborate yourself... take your information yourself... try to know, read, see, hear...

Even more nonsense!

nonsense ? learn history... then history is nonsense ?... everything is nonsense when someone point out US crimes and imperialism... BUT things are changing, hope for something better, something like "justice" and solidarity...
first off its not the company selling itself its the stockholder vote selling off the majority shares to inbev to profit more than the market worth is for those shares. second the brand will still operate as normal with the same people in place, nothing will change except that a foreign coorpoartion will cash the check.

almost +1 :D

don't you think that the company is the stockholder ? (i don't say it's a good thing but that's a fact isn't ?)

i doubt about the fact that il will still operate "with the same people"... there's always new people in the quarter head (not sure about my english here... sorry)