Speaking as someone who grew up & lives in Missouri, the state where Anheuser-Busch was headquartered, the day that the buyout was accepted was a sad day. Although there is a a bit of a KC/StL rivalry going on (us Kansas Citians still like to rub the Royals '85 World Series victory in face of Cards fans), we were still proud to drink the beer that originated from the show-me state. (Can't speak for the Jayhawks fans however...thats another rivalry I'll have to explain some other time...lol) Not to mention that InBev has a reputation for cutting costs (jobs)
Although AB will always be a part of Missouri heritage, I don't think I can bring myself to being a loyal Bud Light customer anymore, I think I may give Coors Light a try, (Coors was considering KC as a location for their new headquarters...)