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primal said:
Regardless, if you find the Axe isn't for you, I have no doubt you will be able to trade it for the amp you want. Or atleast get very close and only have to kick in minimal dollars ( or maybe get the amp and cash back).

I have not mastered the "amp in the room" sound with it yet. But I think that in part may be due to the fact that I really haven't tried either.

When I want the amp in the room sound, I just go with my Electra Dyne.

For late night jamming or recording, I use the Axe FX.

And in the end I am certain if you find you don't like it, you could definitely swap it for a killer amp. Maybe not brand new, but between this place and harmony central, someone will trade you there amp for it. And I bet you could find the amp you want.
Quick question. Amp in the room. Is this saying the Axe FX does not have the feeling of an amp being played or maybe it is difficult to achieve this?
Amp in the room. Is this saying the Axe FX does not have the feeling of an amp being played or maybe it is difficult to achieve this

The "amp in the room" is difficult to achieve with any modeler that isnt being run through a power section and guitar cab IMHO- and the "amp in the room" feeling you get with the dyne is second to none in my opinion...the AXE is designed to "sound" like miced cab in in a controlled environment- which is why it is nearly peerless when recording or running FOH.

Maybe it's not meant to be.....

yeah..apparently not today anyway.....

Primal, you wanna sell me yours? i have refs....;)
Laskyman said:
Amp in the room. Is this saying the Axe FX does not have the feeling of an amp being played or maybe it is difficult to achieve this

The "amp in the room" is difficult to achieve with any modeler that isnt being run through a power section and guitar cab IMHO- and the "amp in the room" feeling you get with the dyne is second to none in my opinion...the AXE is designed to "sound" like miced cab in in a controlled environment- which is why it is nearly peerless when recording or running FOH.

Maybe it's not meant to be.....

yeah..apparently not today anyway.....

Primal, you wanna sell me yours? i have refs....;)

The AXE FX is great, but it seems more tailored for live applications than recording IMO. Everything I hear recorded sounds good, but it's never quite right to my ears.
I have a question, since there is quite a bit of talk about using the Axe FX live. How hard/easy is it to change settings such as drive or reverb ? With a pedal board you can usually just lean down to make a tweak without any trouble. Is the Axe FX like that, or do you have to plan a little better ?
Quick question. Amp in the room. Is this saying the Axe FX does not have the feeling of an amp being played or maybe it is difficult to achieve this?

First a disclaimer. I have a recto cab. And when I play the recto sim with cab sims turned off, I do get a good amp in the room sound. I go through a Mackie (million pound) power amp.

The thing you need to be carefull with is that most patches are setup by default that you are using cab sims which also implies a mic'd amp sound and are eq'd accordingly. Once you disable cab sims, there is still more work to do. I almost always go through my monitors, so I have put very little time into this.

yeah..apparently not today anyway.....

Primal, you wanna sell me yours? i have refs....

Sorry dude. My wife would kill me if I went back to micing amps and soundproofing. ;)

Just check back every day. They get them in stock every few days. I bet within the next two weeks you will see one in stock. Just check back constantly. Hell, maybe even email Cliff and see if he could give you a heads up. He may not, but it is worth a try.

The AXE FX is great, but it seems more tailored for live applications than recording IMO. Everything I hear recorded sounds good, but it's never quite right to my ears.
I would tend to disagree, primarily bacause I pretty much strictly use it for studio work. In the recording I provided, there was some tone loss when I converted it to MP3, I tried it a couple times. That was the first time I really noticed it. I used audacity for the conversion.

I can tell you for a home studio where having a cranked tube amp is impossible, it is a godsend.

And Ironically I find myself pretty much using the Plexi exclusively for pretty much everything.

I have a question, since there is quite a bit of talk about using the Axe FX live. How hard/easy is it to change settings such as drive or reverb ? With a pedal board you can usually just lean down to make a tweak without any trouble. Is the Axe FX like that, or do you have to plan a little better ?

It depends on your setup. I have read some guys keep a laptop on there rack facing away from the audience. IN this setup is would be easy as hell to change settings (provided Axe Edit doesn't crap out on you. This is the "beta" pc interface they use. I would call it fragile). If you need to adjust it through the rack interface this is easy as well though probably not as easy as bending over an changing a knob on a pedal.

But this would only be an issue if you got to the place you were playing and did not like you sound in that venue and needed it tweaked. If it is a case of wanting multiple sounds, you got 380 programmable patches that you can setup prior to getting there.

Overall the most daunting thing about the Axe FX is the countless settings you can change. I mean there are few things I can think of that you can't change.

So if you hear a recording and think, well that doesn't quite sound warm enough, well there is a warmth setting that does exactly as you would expect. I mean every little aspect can be tweaked.

Some view this as a plus, others as a pain in the ***. For me it depends on the day.

The thing I struggled with the most was cabinet selection. It makes such an unbelievable difference in tone. But I have found a setup using some Redwirez cabs that I love.

As I sit here now I have been messing with an Eruption patch that Dweezil Zappa posted on the Axe exchange (one method of sharing patches). I changed out the amp and cab sims he used with amps and cabs I liked but kept his effects setup and love the sound I am getting.

This thing is a whole lot of fun. But if you hate tweaking, you may not like the Axe FX. Cause there are a million things you can tweak.
This thing is a whole lot of fun. But if you hate tweaking, you may not like the Axe FX. Cause there are a million things you can tweak.

Thanks for the reply. One more question. I am a medium type tweaker. As I learn more it becomes easier but I do love simplicity. Have used GT-10/Nova System etc without difficulty. Can the Axe Fx sound good with moderate tweaking? (going through the effects loop of a real amp)
Thanks for the reply. One more question. I am a medium type tweaker. As I learn more it becomes easier but I do love simplicity. Have used GT-10/Nova System etc without difficulty. Can the Axe Fx sound good with moderate tweaking? (going through the effects loop of a real amp)

I hear that this as a dedicated effect processor is VERY hard to beat with the right controller....The Fractal out of box will absolutely destroy and Boss/Line 6/Vox/Digitech modelers....with proper tweaking and time, it is said by many, pros as well as fanboys, to obsolete other gears.....

i made the mistake of playing around with a Mark V combo today at the shop.....I better land a Fractal fast...or I may have a new amp and no cash..... :shock:
Laskyman said:
i made the mistake of playing around with a Mark V combo today at the shop.....I better land a Fractal fast...or I may have a new amp and no cash..... :shock:

I laughed out loud at this.

I myself have been checking out these

Have patience (says the guy freaking out over his Suhr S4 he has been waiting for for 5 1/2 months)

Remember, the Axe FX will do the Mark sound. Very well in fact.

You can do it!
Assumer said:
This thing is a whole lot of fun. But if you hate tweaking, you may not like the Axe FX. Cause there are a million things you can tweak.

Thanks for the reply. One more question. I am a medium type tweaker. As I learn more it becomes easier but I do love simplicity. Have used GT-10/Nova System etc without difficulty. Can the Axe Fx sound good with moderate tweaking? (going through the effects loop of a real amp)

I think so. I think as a stand alone effects processor it is much easier as well.

Tweaking the amps can take the most time. But once you get used to it it gets easier. The problem is with so many things to tweak, I find I can't help myself. Must be why I went from Roadking, to Mark IV to Electra Dyne

I laughed out loud as well regarding the V comment. I love my V combo, but have pretty much beat that to death in this forum.

Patience? there such a thing?

Seriously, best of luck to you with your Axe FX or whatever! :D
One more Axe FX clip.

I did this one this morning. I have an hour ritual where I getup and drink coffee for an hour and play guitar before I go to work.
One more Axe FX clip.

I did this one this morning. I have an hour ritual where I getup and drink coffee for an hour and play guitar before I go to work.

that clip is as close to the actual VH 1 sound as I have ever heard reproduced. Just wow....I am definately hold out for the Ultra....thanks for adding to the GAS....
Used to post here a while back. Had a Mark IV for almost 18 years, still have a Blue Angel. It almost never gets turned on anymore.

Got an Axe FX Ultra about 14 months ago after over a year of thinking about it.

Now, I would never go back. I was always intrigued by the promise of digital modeling but none delivered (some even went backward as in the Boss GT-10 from the Boss GT-Pro).

This thing has more depth to sound and more variablity by far than anyhing I've heard out there. And with the 3rd party speaker IR's, your options are unlimited.

I run it FRFR (2 QSC K12'2) and sometimes with tube power and guitar speakers (Fryette 2/50/2). Sounds great both ways - just different. Plus, plug an acoustic guitar into the Axe FX and into FRFR sounds better than any dedicated acoustic amp I've heard.

I still have the Boss GT-10. I use it as a controller for the AXE FX. Every thing turned off. Except I use the clean boost function and the external loop for some of my favorite pedals.
This thing has cured my amp gas. Now GUITAR gas, welllll........
I guess I never really thought about it, but how capable is a GT at controlling the AXE (I have the 8 again after a brief go with the 10...)? I am really leaning toward a MFC with it, but it gets pretty spendy...
What can I expect a GT to be able to control? Just presets, or can you assign some IA as well?
Thanks in advance-
The MFC looks like a great piece, custom made for the Ax Fx, but I had a GT-10 just layin' around in a closet so I drug it out and hooked it up and started playin' around with #CC switches and stuff. I can't speak for the GT-8, but I have 4 #CC switches available on the GT-10 plus 2 pedal controllers. The Axe-FX itself has 2 #CC switches and a pedal controller for a total of 6 #CC switches and 3 pedal controllers. Plus, the GT-10 is built like a tank.

My needs are pretty simple so thats more than enough for me. I have 3 boosts or OD's set up for each patch plus a rotary (Leslie effect) I switch in and out.

When I first got the Axe Fx I had a Mark V (traded the Mk IV in for it) and played through the Mk V power amp for about 2 months. Going back and forth between the Mk V preamp and the Axe, I realized I liked the Axe MUCH better. Took the Axe Fx to the music store, plugged into some powered monitors, settled on the K 12's, played for 2 hours, went home and traded the Mk V in for two K 12's.

Every time I go into a music store and play the amps and I start thinkin' gee, that sounded really good, I just go home crank up the Ax Fx and the K12's and the GAS just floats away.
I did not go back through the posts so sorry if this has been answered. I always hear killer distorted patches. How close can the AX get to the ED clean many of the fender cleans? Much tweaking to get it?
Assumer said:
I did not go back through the posts so sorry if this has been answered. I always hear killer distorted patches. How close can the AX get to the ED clean many of the fender cleans? Much tweaking to get it?

This is a recording I did with some Axe Fx "cleans". Quotes due to the fact that I intentionaly set the cleans for a bluesy breakup.

The model is actually an AC30 Top boost with the master pretty high.

There are some great cleans in the Axe FX. As far as tweaking, I would just say that if you are interested in the Axe Fx, be ready to tweak.

You were suppose to get it in this Wednesday. Where is the update that's following???
Primal - that sounds really nice!

As far as cleans - The Axe has so many I'm STILL finding them and I've had it for over 14 months. And they are beautiful. You can make them sound like what ever you want them to sound like! Thats the beauty of this rig. When you get the hots for a new sound you just dig one out of the little black box. No need to run to the music store.

I've only played the ED in a store but it sounded great! I think I liked it better than the Mk V which I had for about 2 -maybe 3 months. I liked the cleans on the ED better than the Mk V.

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