Am I The Only Guy That Prefers EL34s ?

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Jul 10, 2010
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Except for a tonal hit on chnl 1 which I compensate for with a slight "W" GEQ and delay, I very much prefer EL34s in my combo. Could be I'm biased because my main amp is my '78 JCM800 I bought new. Before the V I lugged the Marshall and my BF Super Reverb to gigs.

Any body else use EL34s and if not what do you not like about them? I know this is a very subjective issue, I am just curious.
I'm under the impression that most of the people around here prefer EL34s. I use SED =C= EL34s.
I switched to EL34s and i love the sound. The clean channel did not suffer at all, IMO.
However I may switch back now that I have used the 34s for a while. It is awesome to have the option.
The Edge mode is killer with tons of bass and a nice "really cranked Fender " kind of vibe. Channel 3 is great too.
I think the overall tone change with the 34s might be "tighter" if that makes sense.
I have EL34s in mine right now, but I prefer the 6L6s when using my Telecaster with it because I live in the clean channel with that guitar.
I still havent tried them. I guess I just like 6L6's and I dont want to loose the body of my clean channel.
I switched to EL34's a few months ago and never went back. My 6L6's are gonna sit on the shelf next to the shot glasses for a while :lol: . But I may try them again soon just to play with some different tones.