6L6's in 3 Ch. DR.... Which ones???

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RoadKinger483 said:
Hey guys, im going to change the tubes in my DR head with either 6L6S Groove Tubes, 6L6GE Grove Tubes or E34L Groove Tubes. Im looking for a tube that will enhance the clean channel on my head as far as headroom (more) and clarity. However, I don't want to sacrifice any of the MESA drive characteristics to achieve a better clean tone. Which ones do you guys think would be better, or which ones have you guys had experiences with? Thanks
Try -TAD- from the tube store.com 6l6 i use 6l6gc-str #23!! ive only used mesa svetlanas (454) but they discontinued them . the tad tubes are 10 times better !!!!!!!!! best tube out there try them you wont be sorry !!
RoadKinger483 said:
I'm looking into some 6L6 tubes from thetubestore.com. Right now it's between the SED Winged C and the TAD (Tube Amp Doctor) 6L6GC-STR. I know a bunch of people here like the SED 6L6's but have any of you guys had any experience with the TAD 6L6's????

http://thetubestore.com/tad6l6gc.htmlGET THE TAD BROTHER YOU WILL LOVE THEM TRUST ME !!!!!!!!!IT WAS MY SAVING GRACE !!! LET ME KNOW BRO !!

well...right now i have the stock mesa tubes in the head again. This is just temporary until I can get another set of 6L6's, which is probably by the end of the week. I am however experimenting with 12AX7's in the meantime. Right now im digging the Groove Tube 12AX7C in V1, Groove Tube ECC83 in V2 and EH 12ax7's in the rest of the spots. The 12AX7M from GT just doesn't do it for me. Im still gonna do some more swapping around though and see what new tones I can possibly find.
RoadKinger483 said:
well...right now i have the stock mesa tubes in the head again. This is just temporary until I can get another set of 6L6's, which is probably by the end of the week. I am however experimenting with 12AX7's in the meantime. Right now im digging the Groove Tube 12AX7C in V1, Groove Tube ECC83 in V2 and EH 12ax7's in the rest of the spots. The 12AX7M from GT just doesn't do it for me. Im still gonna do some more swapping around though and see what new tones I can possibly find.
try a 12ax7c in both v1 and v2 thats what i do . in the manuel it tells you that both v1 and v2 share those spots try it its good !!! see ya bud
RoadKinger483 said:
Well... I took back the 6L6GE's and stupid me decided to go with some EL34M's the had there from Groove Tube. To make a long story short.... THEY ABSOLUTELY SUCKED!!!!!!! :x Right before te gigged started I switched the tubes out again with some Sylvania EL34's from one of my friends Marshall DSL heads that I brought along just incase and to my surprise the Sylvania tubes sounded QUITE GOOD!!!!! The lowend was reduced but not by much at all and the midrange was VERY NICE!!!!! SO... the EL34M's are going back to the store tomorrow and im thinkinh of just getting my money back entirely and perhaps looking into an intergrated quad from Eurotubes. Have any of you guys had experience with this in a Dual or Triple Rectifier???? If I do go with an intergrated quad it'll be 6L6 and E34L's. What do you guys think?????

I had the intergrated quad in mine and it sounded awful. Cleans were terrible. You don't get the best of both worlds, It's almost like you just get each type sounding half as good as they should if ya know what I mean.
Have you tried a Tung-Sol reissue in V1? I have one in the Roadster and the Tweed and Fat modes smoke IMO. In V2 is a JJ 'high gain" (114/115) that I keep coming back to over others because of its punch and sizzle. V3 is a JAN Philips 12AX7WA. V4 & V5 are Mesa Russian-2 (EH). I put a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V6 and I think the amp feels a little more dynamic compared to the Mesa R-2, maybe.

when I had my RK I tried out the tung-sol preamps in it and in V1 it just didnt do nything for me at all. I experimented with te preamps again today and right now I have the 12AX7C in V1 for a nice little highend sparkle and 12AX7M in V2 to smooth things out. Im diggin this combonation. All the other spots have EH 12AX7's. Which spot is the one that effects the drive characteristics for CH.3???????
thanks Dom, I went to the store where I get my tubes locally yesterda and they told me they had just gotten in a quad of E34LS tubes from Groove Tubes with a number 4 rating. So, I wound up taking them home. I've read some intersting things about this tube so CURIOSITY was the main factor in buying them. I haven't installed them yet but, will post my comments here as soon as i do.
well... i installed the quad in the amp and all I have to say is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!!!! The cleans are nice and pristine and the drive is out of this world. CH.3 modern with my Fulldrive 2 MOSFET as a boost is KILLSWITCH ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! I think im staying with these bad boys. I don't have any gigs until next saturday so I won't be able to tell how they sit in the band mix till then but, so far so good. I'll keep you guys posted.
whats up guys???? been jaming the amp with the E34LS tubes and I LOVE IT SO FAR!!!!!! Got a double gig this weekend so we'll see how she does. I was wondering though, are the Mesa labled Chinese 12AX7's the same as a Groove Tube 12AX7C?????