Howdy! Just wondering if anyone’s run across this before and has any suggestions. I blew a fuse in my 1x12 LSS and after replacing it and installing new tubes (brand new, from Mesa), it worked about 30 minutes, after which the only setting that would work was the 30W on either channel. I get nothing from the 5/15 W on either channel. This was last December, so I’ve been using the 30W exclusively since then! I have an awesome repair guy (shout out to Andrews Amp Lab) who repaired this for me about 13 years ago when I had a similar problem, and I’ll definitely be taking it back…just thought I’d reach out to see if this is common or if anyone had any suggestions. I believe the original problem was a bad capacitor, and ALL channels were dead I think (kicks self for not keeping paperwork), but my memory has faded with time. Anyway, just reaching out to see if anyone else has had this issue, if it’s a recurring issue, how you’ve fixed it, etc. Thanks and boogie on!