2x12 Cab suggestions

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May 15, 2007
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I have a Trem-O-Verb as well as a Randall RM100 MTS head.

I have been using both a Marshall 1936 (2x12) and a Marshall 1960A Cab and want to explore other options without shelling out the $$. I have heard a few Mesa Recto 2x12 cabs. I like them but each has had mods done to control the low end.

Any suggestions you guys use and why??

What type of stuff are you playing? Is the TOV a 2x12 combo or a head? Why just a 2x12?

If combo...
The rectifier 2x12 cab is sweet and would sound sweet with the 2 V30'w in the combo.

If your looking fore something different, 3/4 Back Mesa cabs have C90 speakers. I use a 2x12 rectifier cab with a ROV equiped w/ a single C90 which I think is a nice combination.

If head...
I've always prefered Mesa 4x12 rectifier cabs either straight or slant depending on the head. You'll hear of some guys on here that mix C90 and V30 in an X pattern in abs. Also shoot Mesa a note and find out what CAB the TOV was tested with.
Trem-O-Verb/Randall MTS RM100 (loaded with Blackface/Brown/Recto)
2X12 1936 (for most clubs)/4x12 Marshall 1960A (for the biggies)
Jim Dunlop Cry Baby wah
Visual Sound H20
Boss Tremolo
Boss NS-2
Campbell American Precix (x3 I am endorsed by them)

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