2x12 Cab for Lonestar Classic Head

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May 3, 2010
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Hello fellow Boogiers!

I recently just joined the Lonestar family with a LSC head as a college graduation present. I'm quite a fan of it, and have a question I'd like to pose. I'm looking for a 2x12 cab, and I'm curious what kinds of cabs/speakers people play with their Lonestars. What made you choose the cab/speakers you use? What have you played in the past?

Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the club, Matt! And congrats, what an awesome gift. You got good people.

Speaker cab talk seems to be in the air these days -- some of us have been getting tired of hauling around the combo and have been making some changes to their setup, self included.

I haven't actually tried a 2x12 with my LSC yet, but if I were in the market for one today the first one I'd look at is the THD 2x12. Lightweight, huge sound apparently, looks good; it gets great reviews all around, though I don't know if anyone here in the LS tribe has tried one. Otherwise, any decent 2x12 would probably be great, just depends on what you need I guess.

You might want to decide if you like open or closed back. I have a Marshall 1965A 4x12, and it sounds AMAZING with my LSC. But the LSC really seems to work well with open backs, maybe even in particular, and I'm a fan of the open format as a result. When I converted to a head, I picked up a front-ported Freda 1x12s which is very nice, but I'm waiting on delivery of a 27" 1x12 LS cabinet because I missed the open backed vibe. Freda makes a widebody that I wish I'd tried, and they make 2x12 cabs too, which I'll bet sound really good. A step up in the front-ported direction would be Port City.

The Lone Star 2x12 (both the combo and the cab) seems to get mixed reviews. There might be some phase issues with 2 speakers in the box... some folks love them, so I don't know. I can tell you that the Mesa 3/4 back 1x12 is stunningly huge sounding for a 1x12, and might be their best cab, pound for pound.

Hope that helps. Let us know what you pick up.
Hi Matt and congrats for your graduation (your gift too, of course! :mrgreen: ).
I had to face the same thing when I got my LSC head and I ended up with a 2x12" Mesa Stiletto cab, closed back with Vintage 30 speakers. I also tried an open back configuration building myself a back panel, but I realized I like the closed back "vibe" a lot more over the open...feel like it's more percussive, tight and responsive.

I also considered a Recto cab which sounded good to my ears too, but I ended up with the Stiletto because it's smaller and lighter and it preserves pretty much the same feeling. You might want to consider the Lonestar cabs too but I have no direct experience with them.
Anyway it's just a matter of taste here, the music you play, the tone you like etc...the only thing I can assure you is that in my experience cab/speakers makes a HUGE difference, so the best thing you can do is try and choose with your own ears.

Just my 2 cents...hope this helps and good luck with your quest! :wink:
I just got this cabinet for my LSC. It is a J Designs cabinet. Great cabinet, it is his "vintage" model. Very well made, and a great price. $240 bucks unloaded with tolex and piping to match my LSC. I loaded Tone Tubby's in it, one ceramic and one alnico. Very sweet sound with the LSC. I have a Port City 2x12 that sounds great with it as well, but I am now using the Port City cab with my Electra Dyne. This pics are from the builder right before he shipped it to me.


Since I blew the C90 in my LSC 1x12, I've been connecting the amp to my Recto 2x12 closed backed with Vintage 30's. Really, Really like it. Smooth and no flubber.
Thanks for the responses and warm welcome everyone. I've been playing my LSC through my church's 4x12 Recto cab and it's pretty nice, but I'm looking for a cab of my own obviously. I've been considering a 2x12 Road King cab, possibly a 2x12 THD, or maybe an Avatar cab with some sort of speakers inside. The Eminence Black Mountain speakers look nice on paper in terms of balancing the LSC and my Epi Sheraton.

Anyone else have any opinions/suggestions?

Man if you like the sound of the recto 4x12, get one of your own. Prob no need for 4 speakers though, certainly enough umph with 2 :D . Thats my choice of cab for this amp.
So I just bought a JDesign 2x12 vintage cab yesterday, unloaded! And now the decision comes down to speakers...

Here's my situation. The LSC is a darker amp, and my Epiphone Sheraton is a warm guitar. I'm looking for speakers to help balance out the emphasis on low end produced by my amp and guitar. I've been looking at Eminence speakers, specifically the Legend 1258, Red White and Blues, or maybe Black Powder. I've been playing my LSC through a 4x12 Recto cab w/ Vintage 30s currently.

I can talk all day about guitars and pedals, but when it comes to speakers I'm somewhat of a novice.

Anybody ever had experience with the Eminence speakers I listed? Any and all feedback is welcomed.

Thanks fellow Boogiers!

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