2 channel triples vs. 3 channel triples

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2006
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I haven't pulled the trigger yet on my first Mesa but have been browsing Ebay quite a lot lately. I doubt I'll get it from there but did notice a seller selling a 2 channel "older" triple rectifier saying they sound better than the newer triples. Can someone clear me up on how it goes? I mean what are some of the common truths that you mesa guys uphold?
Appreciate your ideas,
Yeah they have 2 channel triples, I like my 3 channel, though i've never played a 2 channel version. It is very nice to have 3 channels though, I can have a clean, vintage and modern set up at the same time. Or two vintage channels, dare i say? :D
MichiganboySB said:
Can someone clear me up on how it goes?
It's a little bit about tone, and maybe a lot about versatilty! The two channels have been said to have a clarity about them. I find them a little less processed sounding? Less fizzy? More immediacy? Though, this slight difference in tone (note: slight) is at the cost of footswitchable versatility! Also gained on the three channels is the solo boost function! So, whatchawant? A little more tone, or a little more versatility!
Having heard both - frequently - and owning a three-channel Triple, the only real tonal difference is in the tubes. All of them sound slightly different - two-channel Triples and Duals sound different form each other, and even different amps of the same model do, as do the three-channels - but the "old ones are better" bunk is just that.

The one that will say sounds substantially different is the rackmount Dual. Those seem to live up to the hype, as the three I've heard sound VERY nice.
Ive played both extensively. Save for the roadking and tremoverb, Ive had every type of Recto in my studio at one time or another.

there is a BIG difference, and I assure it IS NOT in the tubes.

There is a level of clarity that just does NOT exist in the 3ch models.
The 3ch models are not bad by any meassure, dont get me wrong, but the 2ch models are just that much better.

When people talk about how the Recto is a standard in tone, they are talking about the originals.
Yeah, kind of logically speaking, making an amp with only 2 channels means they focus more and the amp focuses more on 2 channels instead of three. THe 3 channels have less focus per channel therefore, logically they arent as defined or clear as the 3 channels. Just my 2 cents.
My main influence is Buckethead who uses a triple rectifier and I have almost all his effects but the Les Paul and triple rectifier. I always bought into some kinda hype on a boutique amp instead of getting a triple. But the one thing I absolutely HATE is a noisy amp. Here is my gear so far:
This Budda is so dang noisy and more of a bluesy type amp. Now how's the triple with background noise? I understand there's always going to be a tad bit of noise but the kind I'm talking about is just obvious and annoying, can't have it distract the ear from the song/tone. How bout this question: Whats commonly the quietest Mesa out there that can give me a triple-like distortion? You're going to say the triple aren't you?
Anyways... I should stick to the plan and get a triple.
Thanks a huge bunch,
MichiganboySB said:
Whats commonly the quietest Mesa out there that can give me a triple-like distortion? You're going to say the triple aren't you?


Also the Dual, Single, RoadKing, ROV, TOV...all different shades of the same color. The Triple is the "tightest" due to the extra headroom. The single is easier to push into power tube distortion. The RK has a million footswitchable options. ROV, TOV some say are "sweeter"

Quiet? No more noise than any other high gain tube amp. Switch to the clean channel between songs for dead silence.
Also the Dual, Single, RoadKing, ROV, TOV...all different shades of the same color. The Triple is the "tightest" due to the extra headroom. The single is easier to push into power tube distortion. The RK has a million footswitchable options. ROV, TOV some say are "sweeter"

i agree

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