1x12 vs. 2x12 recto cab for MR

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
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San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Anybody have any audio clips for 1x12 rec cab vs. 2x12 rec cab for a Mini Rec (or any rec)? I have a 1x12 recto cab, but the MR sounds pretty thin through it. It sounds a LOT better through my 4x10 (flatter overall response, much more low end, no flabbiness). I am interested in picking up a 2x12, but don't know if it would be much better than the 1x12.
yeah brosef, can't go wrong with the recto 2x12 cab.

I have one, but I wish I would have had the opportunity to try out the 2x12 roadster cab (it's a wee bit smaller than the recto cab). It's gotta be 100% killer and possibly a little easier on the back. I'm 27 so I can deal with lugging this beast around, but I'm gonna feel that **** in a few years :lol:

I recently picked up a 2x12 recto cabinet for my mini and it sounds awesome. Highly recommended. Prior to that I was using my C90 1x12 extension cab and it did sound a tad thing.
+1 on the recto cab but I would also like to suggest the 3 1/4 back 1x12. I have a rectoverb combo which in it self is essentially the same as the three quarter back 1x12 cab and it sounds awesome. Love so much that I'm thinking of ordering another cab for it and that will be the three quarter back 1x12.
Funny, I traded a pair of 3/4 back cabs for the recto cabs I have :lol:
Good suggestion, I'll try it.

As for the 2x12 recto, any audio clips, or any idea what the actual difference in tone is vs. the 1x12 recto?
When I had my last dual recto I had both the 4x12 oversized and the 2x12. Very good cabs at earbleeding volumes but at a lower volume setting I found for my ears that the v 30's bring out the worst in the recto. Way to muh top end sizzle which I was unable to dial out. But at volume on the other hand OM effing G. I like the c 90 in the rectoverb.
Geiri said:
When I had my last dual recto I had both the 4x12 oversized and the 2x12. Very good cabs at earbleeding volumes but at a lower volume setting I found for my ears that the v 30's bring out the worst in the recto. Way to muh top end sizzle which I was unable to dial out. But at volume on the other hand OM effing G. I like the c 90 in the rectoverb.

I'm afraid to try anything other than V30s. I had other cabs with various other celestions and I pretty much hated those once I got a mesa cab w/ 30s. I now have the 2x12 rectocab w/ the 30s and I'm happy with it but I kinda want to order a single c90 to put in the cab w/ a V30.
YellowJacket said:
A c90 smooths out the high end and improves cleans / lead tones. The c90 / v30 combination is ace with most mesa amps, at least in my experience.

+1 Same experience with me. Go V30/C90 if you can.
The 2x12 Recto Cabinet is absolutely stunning - the bass that it generates is shocking. It's an AWESOME cabinet. Turn it up and it'll punch you in the chest.

It is VERY different from the Mini 1x12 cabinet.

I've run our Dual Rec and out Series 2 Rectoverb through a series of 4x12 cabinets and 1x12 cabinets. The 2x12 is my absolute favorite. My home built 1x12 is what I use with the Rectoverb but that's only because it's light and sounds about 80% as good as the Recto 2x12 - which is good enough for me

Get the 2x12 Recto Cabinet - you CAN'T go wrong

Thanks again for the info.

I mostly play low volume. Will the 2x12 recto cab sound good quiet, or do you have to be loud to get the awesome sound everyone attributes to it?
elvis said:
Thanks again for the info.

I mostly play low volume. Will the 2x12 recto cab sound good quiet, or do you have to be loud to get the awesome sound everyone attributes to it?

I have that cab w/ my ROV. I mostly play at home, but at louder volumes than would ever fly in an apartment or a townhome. It's not terribly loud (I don't have to wear ear plugs). Sounds great.

even at low volumes it doesn't sound BAD, but it's not what you pay mesa $ for it. You get your money's worth when you crank them, but we all know this.
elvis said:
Thanks again for the info.

I mostly play low volume. Will the 2x12 recto cab sound good quiet, or do you have to be loud to get the awesome sound everyone attributes to it?

It sounds fine at low volumes, where low means something like a loud stereo. Of course, the louder the better. :)
Just spent an hour at the Mesa dealer. With a MR at low, medium and loud volume:

1x12 std recto: Good midrange grind, weak low end. Sounds anemic and overly-mid-heavy.
2x12 recto: Lots of midrange grind, enough low end to sound big and balance the mids, but very tight as well. Could stand to have a little more low end. Very "alive" sounding. Punchy.
1x12 3/4: TONS of low end. Nothing else. Very "dead" sounding, yet also "open" sounding. Could probably be improved by tweaking tone controls.
1x12 MR slant cab: TERRIBLE. Even worse than the std 1x12. It was sitting on top of the std 1x12, and is not nearly as deep.

4x10 (mine, from memory): Lots of low end, still pretty tight. Some midrange grind. Good top end. Very balanced across frequency.

In order of preference for recto tone:
2x12 recto
1x12 recto
1x12 3/4

Looks like I'm in the market for a 2x12 recto. Makes me want to dump the pair of 1x12s I have. Convenient, since I just bailed on my stereo setup and went mono.
Couldn't over the weekend. I'll definitely try this week! Of course if it blows away the 4x10, then I'll need to get ANOTHER 2x12...

The Mini is a whole different animal through the 2x12. WAY better. I will miss the lightness and smallness of the 1x12s, but not the tone.

Thanks to all for the comments! It took me a while to admit that I just had to get the 2x12.
Congrats Elvis!!
Yes, the Mini Recto sounds great through a 212 recto cab....no question!!
IMO, most amps will sound great through the 212 recto cab! Arguably, it might just be the best of the best cab that is offered by Mesa? My Mark V certainly sounds great through it, and my Mark IV, and my TA-30, and my other brand "xyz" amps as well!! :wink:
Enjoy your new cab experience!! :mrgreen:
that's just a sexy cab.

still, I wish I would have gone with the roadster cab. It's a bit smaller and I like the the smaller logo and placement. I can't imagine the tone is drastically different as the size difference isn't too significant.

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