1st gig with the Stiletto Ace

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Dr GearHead

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
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It sounded great, honestly, all the way through I just kept thinking how good it sounded. 8).

It was so smooth and crunchy but with loads of cut. I could really feel the bass when I was playing palm muted open e's. It's such an interactive amp, I really felt connected to it.

Did have a couple of issues though. The amp managed to pop a V2 pre-amp tube a couple of days before the gig, it was loaded with gold pin JJ ecc83s in pos V1 to V4 but I only had the original boogie tubes spare so I pulled the JJ from V4 and put in in V2 with the boogie tube going to V4. It didn't seem to have a detrimental effect on the sound but I was suffereing from bad feedback all evening which I don't normal get at all. I'm sure we are louder at practise.

I have practise tonight so I will see how it goes. I think maybe I have the pre-amp and master vols set wrong, the pre-amp vol was around 1/2 way while the master was on about 1/3. I can understand the red channel feeding back because I have it on fluid drive with the gain on about 2/3. The blue channel is on cruch with the gain set to about 3/4 so maybe that's why it was feeding back on there too.

The next gig is open air so I will get the chance to run the ace with the orange cab, I cannot wait.

I'll admit I have not had a lot of tube amps and this is the 1st one I have played seriously with a band, sometimes I think I would like to try other amps just to see what they are like but there is not a practise goes by when I don't turn around and look at the amp and think wow.
I can't comment on your technical issues, but I am glad you like the tone of your amp. I am picking up an ACE today, and will be messing with controls till tonight when I gig with it for the first time. (actually it's my first gig in general!)
Glad to hear that you liked the sound at your gig. I've been pleased with Ace, but I do keep the treble turned lower than I do on my LSS.
I keep the treble on about 1/3 and the presence on about 1/4.

I think with the feedback if I turn the gain down to about 1/2 on both channels it will sort it out. I go through phases where I play with hardly any gain and then with loads.