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  1. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    None of my knobs are ever turned past 3:00 per the manual. I'm not following you on the "tone" knob. What is that? If there is a "tone" knob I'm missing, that would be a big deal! Just turn up more tone- great!...
  2. G

    LSS combo with Marshall cab,good match?

    Mesa 1x12 widebody is a great cab if you can find it. Adds bottom end to the LSS that isn't really there as a combo.
  3. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    I'll get a compressor- that seems to be a common thread and something I have not tried yet...
  4. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Speedy and Sabuj- are those tones you are getting in "band" context? I have had decent tones with stompboxes at home that just don't cut it live. With no effects, Ch 2 is no good for me either at home or live.
  5. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Took my amp to the store and the sales guy agreed that channel 2 sounded "not too good". Screwed around with it for a while with no luck. Also said he hasn't been pleased with distortion on either the LSS or LSC. If you read the reviews, you'd think they were "it". I just don't get it. LSS...
  6. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Took my amp to the store and the sales guy agreed that channel 2 sounded "not too good". Screwed around with it for a while with no luck. Also said he hasn't been pleased with distortion on either the LSS or LSC. If you read the reviews, you'd think they were "it". I just don't get it. LSS...
  7. G

    JJ Lonestar Special EL84s good

    Yes- I wish I knew about just switching the '84s two weeks ago. I'm just now getting the feeling in my fingers back...
  8. G

    JJ Lonestar Special EL84s good

    There was a special JJ V tube that had to be placed in the V5 spot. If I retube with my stock Mesa's, is there one designated to go in that spot?
  9. G

    JJ Lonestar Special EL84s good

    Can you dumb this down for me a little? I recently re-tubed my LSS with JJ's and was basically underwhelmed. Ch 2 was a bit better, but still not what I would have expected. Ch 1 lost some of its "depth". I switched out the 4 EL-84's and the V 1-5. Are you referring to the 5Y3 or have I...
  10. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    One other thing: my current pickups are SD's: JB SH-4 in bridge and SH 2n Jazz in the neck.
  11. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    In changed tubs based on your suggestion and have tried your settings and it still sounds like the speaker is half blown. Lots of good thoughts, though. Something has got to be up with my LSS to have this many people "loving" their channel 2 sound. I will take my amp to the store that I got...
  12. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Thanks for the responses. Nice idea about taking the effects out- that's one I hadn't tried. Unfortunately, same result. I'm glad the "4X10" guy responded. Very helpful- sounds like it may be a different tone than in the 2x12. I know where you are coming from in tweaking the amp. I have...
  13. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Sorry, I had a post from 2 days ago and just entered this as if it was a continuous thread. With my LP, Ch2 is very muddy- to the point of being totally unusable except on the bridge pick ups, which have no "punch". I have Seymour Duncan P/U's. I added an extension cab, and things got better...
  14. G

    LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

    Ok- I went out and bought an extension cab (1x12 rectified for more low end) and it has improved the overall performance of my 1x12, but ch 2 is still basically unusuable with my Les Paul, except on bridge settings. I have read several reviews that the 4x10 makes a huge difference in Ch 2...
  15. G

    Check Out My LoneStar Pic

    I'm intrigued. Tell me more...
  16. G

    More issues with LSS Ch 2

    I called Mesa and the guy I spoke with said he has only ever been able to use the bridge pickup with the Lone Star line. I guess I'm stuck trying to make the bridge p/u sound richer and thicker...
  17. G

    More issues with LSS Ch 2

    I Tried timmerel's settings from his post, and it sounds like crap. Very muddy. I don't have a compressor, though. Does it make that much difference. I'm beginning to wonder if I have a defective amp or guitar.
  18. G

    More issues with LSS Ch 2

    I actually pulled your settings from an earlier post and have used them. Do they work on a neck pickup for you?
  19. G

    More issues with LSS Ch 2

    I have Lone Star Special that I have done just about all I can think of doing to get Ch 2 to sound the way that I want. I do play in a band and 3 weeks ago I nearly sold it, but the clean channel is just too good. I play a Les Paul Special with Seymour Duncan pick ups. Currently, Ch 2 is...
  20. G

    How do you hear yourself on stage???

    Get a speaker stand and tilt the amp pointing directly at your ear on stage in practice and live. Get everone else in the band to do the same. This cuts down on variables and allows you to hear your sound well. Also prevents the need to constantly adjust (raise) volume. Secret to a good...