LSS 1x12 ch2 vs 4x10

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Oct 2, 2005
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Ok- I went out and bought an extension cab (1x12 rectified for more low end) and it has improved the overall performance of my 1x12, but ch 2 is still basically unusuable with my Les Paul, except on bridge settings. I have read several reviews that the 4x10 makes a huge difference in Ch 2. Does anyone have any experience with one? I am quickly reaching the "money is no object" mentality to get this right and would buy a 4x10 if I thought it could get me where I needed to go. Using a Reezafratzitz pedal for "ch 2" now.
so what is wrong with channel 2 with the lp neck pickup?

i dont get what you are asking
Sorry, I had a post from 2 days ago and just entered this as if it was a continuous thread. With my LP, Ch2 is very muddy- to the point of being totally unusable except on the bridge pick ups, which have no "punch". I have Seymour Duncan P/U's. I added an extension cab, and things got better, but I read a post on harmony central where a guy was having my exact problem and solved it with a 4 x 10. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.
guitarvet said:
Sorry, I had a post from 2 days ago and just entered this as if it was a continuous thread. With my LP, Ch2 is very muddy- to the point of being totally unusable except on the bridge pick ups, which have no "punch". I have Seymour Duncan P/U's. I added an extension cab, and things got better, but I read a post on harmony central where a guy was having my exact problem and solved it with a 4 x 10. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

What kind of Duncans? My Bluesbird has a '59 in the neck and it sounds really nice, clean or dirty.
Suggestion: How long is your guitar cord? How many efx are you going through?

Try a short cord (10 feet) direct from guitar to amp, no effects. Does this sound better? If so, you have a treble roll-off problem from a long cord and / or from your effects. You may prefer this sound for CH 1, but perhaps not for CH 2 of your amp.
I setiously think something is wrong with your neck p/u, man. There's no way it should be unusable. Try backing it of of the strings a bit more. The tone clean should be thick, bouncy, and shimmering.
I read a post on harmony central where a guy was having my exact problem and solved it with a 4 x 10.

Hey! I'm that guy! 8)

Yes, I found that the 4x10 made a big difference for me. Especially in the beginning when i first got the amp. I'd started with a 2x12 and ch2 just wasn't working for me.

The tighter low end response of the 4x10 really helped me clean up the flab in ch2 esp. with bridge pickups.
That being said though, if what you're looking for is a gainier copy of ch1, then the mud is kinda unavoidable.

Mesa suggest turning the bass down as you turn up the gain, because the gain circuit adds bass, this is very true and something worth noting.

The big thing i've found is that the 'mud' is actually still there in ch1 on clean settings. It's a HUGE part of what makes the clean sound so big and beautiful. I'm mainly talking about chords here, lead lines benefit, but it's not so much a problem.
Unfortunately I think adding gain to this sound takes the highs off and exaggerates the bottom end. you can turn down the bass control, but what you really need to do is fiddle with the other controls too, all of them unfortunately. The sound is in there, but it takes a fair bit of work.

The biggest secret i've found to getting CH2 to cut through (esp. for chords) is using the thick setting to get a more nasally presence to the sound.

In fact in order to get an gainier copy of my ch1 sound, i've found that i need to pretty much stop looking at the amp and dial it in with my ears. it's easy to just copy your settings from on ch. to another, but unfrotunately the gain structure of the amp just doesn't work like that...

For me now, i'm EXTREMELY happy with the amp, but only after 6months of working with it hard both live and in the studio.

I really feel that i could properly dial in a 2x12 now if i wanted to (i haven't tried though so don't quote me on that!) for me, getting the 4x10 really helped me like the amp from the start, but it was using it for 6months that made me love it.

I hope this helps a little.
Thanks for the responses. Nice idea about taking the effects out- that's one I hadn't tried. Unfortunately, same result. I'm glad the "4X10" guy responded. Very helpful- sounds like it may be a different tone than in the 2x12. I know where you are coming from in tweaking the amp. I have spent about 9 months with the amp, and have tried using my ears and the bass in every position imaginable. I pulled my strat out of the closet to see if the "mud" was there on the neck pickup- it was. I mean it's not even close to sounding decent. I wish I could post a G chord sound on the neck p/u, then I can see if it's just my intepretation of "mud". For fun, I turned the treble, mid and presence to max and the bass to min. Basically got rid of the "blown speaker" sound, but not a playable tone, obviously the bridge was then very shrill. Maybe I'll try to figure out how to post a sound.

Got a gig tomorrow night. I'm so tone-screwed in the head right now, it should be interesting...
roundaboutmusic, did you buy it from billy hydes music ? im trying to get one from them atm. also i forgot to ask you what style of music do you play?
You should try a set of SD seth lovers. My buddy has a Les Paul and it sounds great through my LSS. How do you have your amp set? It was mentioned, but the EQ on the LSS is not the same as most amps. Each stack in the EQ adds gain. I would take a little treble off as well as some bass. This may sound couter-intuitive however, the treble pot will add gain, thus add flubb. I tend to run my EQs close to the 12 o'clock position. I'll take a litttle off, or add a little more depending on my mood.

On a side note: I use JJ tubes in the power section, and I use RCA 5751 preamp tubes in V1 and V2, JJ 12ax7 in V3, 12at7 reverb driver, and 12ax7 phase inverter. stock recto (5y3). This has opened up the sound, and added a airy feel, the amp is stunning with this seet up... give it a whirl.

Speedy McFeely
Guitarvet: I just tried a new, fresh out of the box LSS at GC with an American Deluxe Strat. The LSS had a little bit of flub in CH 2 (using neck PUP) with the bass up, but with the suggested "Blues" setting that comes on the black card with the amp, it sounded fantastic, very Hendrix-like. The bass cleaned up nicely below about 11:00.

If you have already tried new tubes, try some alternative 12" speakers in open back cabs, for example Celestion V30, Weber C12N, Tone Tubby, Jensen etc. by taking the amp to the store and plugging in other cabs & combos. I have a Weber here that I'm dying to try with the LSS I have on order.

Personnally, I think you may have tired power tubes, but its hard to tell on the other side of a Boogie chat board.

Let us know how you solve this problem.
I use a Les Paul Standard with Burstbucker Pros through a LSS 1x12 with 1x12 cab and I love the neck position. Same thing with the SG I have. Here are my settings:

Drive 11:00
Gain 2:00
Treble 2:00
Mid 11:00
Bass 10:00
Presence 11:30

Thickest/15 watt
In changed tubs based on your suggestion and have tried your settings and it still sounds like the speaker is half blown. Lots of good thoughts, though. Something has got to be up with my LSS to have this many people "loving" their channel 2 sound. I will take my amp to the store that I got it from and have them listen to it, then if that's OK, I will start using the suggestions mentioned here. I used a Refrazzatiz pedal for distortion last night and got through it OK. I will post follow ups, in the meantime, please keep suggestions coming.
One other thing: my current pickups are SD's: JB SH-4 in bridge and SH 2n Jazz in the neck.
ive only tried the 1 x12 and i noticed the muddiness as well(even in chanel 1), it does stand out especialy when your used to playing marshalls that stay clean when needed. i also found the note sepperation wasnt that good. guitarvet pls keep us posted as this is my main concern at the moment.
Took my amp to the store and the sales guy agreed that channel 2 sounded "not too good". Screwed around with it for a while with no luck. Also said he hasn't been pleased with distortion on either the LSS or LSC. If you read the reviews, you'd think they were "it". I just don't get it. LSS is a great one trick pony, but for me its only one trick - clean. I think I'll get a (gasp) modeling amp. Maybe Vox. I guess for my purposes, the LSS is too limited. I don't plan on selling it yet though...
Took my amp to the store and the sales guy agreed that channel 2 sounded "not too good". Screwed around with it for a while with no luck. Also said he hasn't been pleased with distortion on either the LSS or LSC. If you read the reviews, you'd think they were "it". I just don't get it. LSS is a great one trick pony, but for me its only one trick - clean. I think I'll get a (gasp) modeling amp. Maybe Vox. I guess for my purposes, the LSS is too limited. I don't plan on selling it yet though...
thats why i didnt buy one, but if you can afford it its a great amp to have sitting there just for that magic clean tone.
I have a differing opinion on the LSS. I don't think that it is a one trick pony at all.

I would try running a compressor before the amp. My Route-66 pedal has a compressor, and I love the dynamics it adds to the overdrive. It essentially gives you another flavor of OD. I also will casscade the rt66 into the ch2 OD, talk about thick rich OD!! I don't know the sales guy at the store from which you purchased your amp, but it should not be difficult to achieve a good ch2 sound. I'm sure you have tried some of the sample settings in the manual, my two cents are that you place all knobs at 12 o'clock, and play. Take a little off, or add a little eq based on you taste. I would even do this with your eyes closed, so you don't psych yourself out by knob position.

Good luck.
I use the stomps in a Pod XTL in the effects loop and I get a great thick distortion in the flavors of a Big Muff, Rat, and Killer Z pedal. Works great for me and I'll never agree with the 1-trick comment.

As always though, YMMV