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  1. B

    Looking for a good starter mixer

    I bought a Mackie 1604 off of craigslist for $200. Its great. No on-board effects, but for that price, you'll have cash left over to buy speakers and an amp (or powered speakers). All used of course, but hell, if you're buying Mackie, it will last forever. I would recommend against anything...
  2. B

    Mark IV - Retube Fee?

    Thanks. For the record, he didn't say that he had to adjust the bias, just that there would be a "retube charge." I am just trying to determine what would be included for this charge. Sounds like it would include cleaning the sockets and re-tensioning them... which sounds like its something I...
  3. B

    Mark IV - Retube Fee?

    I'm new to this tube amp thing. A while back I bought a Mark IV. It has the Mesa 5881 tubes in it. It was recommended to me to switch those out with the EL34/6L6 combination to get a better (more powerful) tone, as the 5881s are a less powerful tube. When I first bought the amp, I took it...
  4. B

    How to date a Studio 22?

    You gotta ask her out first.
  5. B

    DC5 Buzzing due to resonating cabinet?

    Don't know about your problem, but a good tech in the East Bay is Craig @ Powerage.
  6. B

    MXR Distortion+

    Thanks for the reply.... Has anyone out there actually used a distortion+?? Thoughts?
  7. B

    Anyone else have buzz with single coils and IIC?

    As far as I know that's the nature of the beast. To be sure, I would play it with other amps... but yeah, single coils buzz.
  8. B

    MXR Distortion+

    So I put an add or Craigslist SF to sell or trade a semi-functioning Marshall VS65R combo amp for a tuner pedal or a tubescreamer. I'm pretty familiar with the tubescreamer, and like the boost that it gives to my mark iv. The only reply that I've gotten so far is some dude that is offering up...
  9. B

    Who is your favourite rapper?

    Woah, interesting responses. I like a few: Pharoahe Monch, Lady Sov (although she's technically more like grime), and Andre Nickatina (Bay Area!!) My roommate listens to a lot of hip hop, so it soaks into my consciousness by osmosis.. but I'm always rockin' the metal any chance I get.