Anyone else have buzz with single coils and IIC?

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Jun 28, 2008
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Amp is a bit buzzy with my strat's. Better with noiseless pickups and in the 2 and 4 positions but buzzy in 1, 3 and 5. Is there a remedy to this? ground switch does not help. New power tubes put in so that shouldn't be the issue. any help is appreciated.
My strats, and any strat I have ever touched all buzz, in any amp, in positions 1,3,5. It's especially bad when you have gain.

...but that's the nature of single coil pickups.
As far as I know that's the nature of the beast. To be sure, I would play it with other amps... but yeah, single coils buzz.
Single coil hum is always present with single coils,except when you are using two coils and they are "out of phase"etc.It can be greatly reduced by doing a better job of shielding the cavity and back of the pickguard and rerouting your grounds to a "star" type arrangement.I've done it to many Fenders and there is a remarkable improvement.
You could try the backplate made by Suhr. Expensive, though. I don't have one, I only knew the product existed. Good luck.
The backplate is a help,but completely re-shielding and re-grounding the entire cavity takes it a step further.If you check most Strats there is sheilding on the back of the pickguard,a closer look will show that this foil is not connected to any ground,thereby making it almost useless.In fact,if this is not grounded it can act like an antenna for some electrical interferance,like fluorescent lights.I just looked at the price list you linked,$325 for a sheilded backplate?That is insane.