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  1. newfinator

    Speaker for Thiele Question

    Ya, I made a copy of the EV spec. I made the external dimensions wider so that it matched the width of my Mark IV combo and allow me to put the combo on top of it. It has an extra wall inside such that the internal dimensions of the speaker housing match the plans exactly. I'm sure the EVM12L...
  2. newfinator

    Speaker for Thiele Question

    Thanks of the input. I guess I don't know how to interpret a thiele in terms of closed back/opened back and what the best type of speaker might be for it. Generally speaking, does a thiele prefer a speaker with specific characteristics or cause issues for others?
  3. newfinator

    Speaker for Thiele Question

    I build a thiele cabinet and fairly happy the way it turned out but I'm having a problem deciding what speaker to put in it. My intention was not necessarily to buy a new speaker but to re-purpose one that I have if possible. I originally built it so that I could use a Celestion G12T-75 hat I...
  4. newfinator

    It's here!!!

    I'd also like to know how its Mark IV 'mode' compares to a real Mark IV. It would be interesting to hear from someone that has both. If it can do everything a IV can, plus the other stuff then it would be a winner for me. I am in the minority in preferring the IV to the IIC+ overall.
  5. newfinator

    Petrucci not using the mark 5

    It seems to me that, while the Mark V may turn out to be the pinnacle of the Mark series, it still seems to be a Mark greatest hits as opposed to treading new ground. As such, if someone were to have a 'real' Mark IIC+ and/or a 'real' Mark IV they may be better suited for studio work while the...
  6. newfinator

    News for Canada...

    When I ordered my final run Mark IV I was torn between waiting for the Mark V or not. I was expecting to love the Mark IV but also get a Mark V when it finally arrived. As it turns out, I've kinda lost my keenness for a Mark V. I guess, for me the Mark IV is so perfect and, now that I know what...
  7. newfinator

    Full view of the Mark V rear panel

    Unless I'm missing something, from that pic it looks like no tube rectification option on channel 3 which is where I'd like it the most... hmm.
  8. newfinator

    Mark V lead tone vs rhythm tone...

    I pretty sure Systematic Chaos was all Mark IV and Lone Star for both album and tour.
  9. newfinator

    Anybody looking for Mark IV's , Here now it's your chance

    Like so many others posting here I might like a Mark V but I'm not going to get rid of my Mark IV to get one. As great as it may sound a Mark IV mode, likely, won't be the same as having a Mark IV. The controls, control options and output transformer are all different. Perhaps it's just...
  10. newfinator

    NAMM 2009 Thread

    I think the retaining of the simple "Boogie" logo is a nice touch.
  11. newfinator

    NAMM 2009 Thread

    The Mark V looks great. Switches are sooooo much better than pull knobs. Now I need to hear it, read some reviews and eventually play it to discern it's feel.
  12. newfinator

    Mark V tidbits

    Looks good but no 2 El34/2 6L6 option is a bit of a bummer. That's my favorite on the Mark IV. Certainly no deal breaker though.
  13. newfinator

    Mark V tidbits

    Gesh, I'm glad I picked up my final run Mark IV combo about 6 or 7 months ago when it was only $100 over U.S. prices. It was $2100 or something like that. At $1200 more, the Mark V would look far less tempting.
  14. newfinator

    Mark V tidbits

    I thought that, essentially, represented the rare but existing Mark IIC++.
  15. newfinator

    Mark V tidbits

    One thing I haven’t seen posted about the Mark V, assuming the preview specs turn out to be accurate, is that it doesn’t seem to be offering anything new. Despite being a very desirable package that likely addresses the requests of Mark fans everywhere it sounds like a fantastic packaging of...
  16. newfinator

    Wow! I just played through a Mark V!

    Assuming this is all accurate info, I love the fact that there is so much control over the amp. I do, however, believe that without being able to switch modes on the fly via a foot pedal that, other than selecting one for my main channel sound, I would eventually find the others redundant. What...
  17. newfinator

    New Amp Day!!!

    You lucky SOB! Good for you. Congrats.
  18. newfinator

    Mark V tidbits

    If this summary turns out to be accurate then it doesn't seem like that big a leap from the Mark IV. They seem like useful enhancements but nothing earth shattering. In the end though it come down to the tone not the bells and whistles. So, if it properly extends the sound-scape of the Mark...
  19. newfinator

    Finally got my Recto 4x12 from Mesa

    After a long wait due to my dealer initially ordering the wrong SKU I finally received my Recto over-sized cab with straight sides and angled baffle. I knew it would take a while as it isn't a standard catalog item. Anyway, while I was waiting I was getting a little nervous that it would be too...
  20. newfinator

    stiletto with oversized recto cab

    I always hear that the over-sized has less mids but wonder if that's just perception because of the increased low and top end. Is it that is has less mids or just proportionally less as compared to the top and bottom? Also, has anyone run a traditional and over-sized at the same time with a...