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  1. U

    Recovering a cab.

    Wow, can't believe someone hasn't gave you an answer yet... The problem isn't installing the rivets. The problem is removing them.. I completely rebuilt my 1960 cab, tolex, speaker, all corners, etc.... The best way to remove them is with patience. I used a small screwdriver to gently lift\pry...
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    Where to buy Grill Cloth?

    ebay 22 bucks a year
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    Yea, it was done with one piece.... yea, putting S&P grill cloth on a mesa is a sin..... But it looks so much better......
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    If you have the time a retolex job isn't that bad.... you can save yourself some money and do it yourself... take a look at the "grill removal" thread... Just did a retolex of a marshall cab, wasn't easy but it really isn't all that difficult.... just takes patience....
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    Grill removal

    Has Celestion G12T-75's... I think the combination goes rather well with the vintage 30's....
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    Grill removal

    The tolex itself took about 4 to 6 hours to complete.... To assemble took a little longer... all in all, it wasn't too bad...
  7. U

    Grill removal

    Well here's the final product.... The marshall was a pain in the *** to retolex... hardest part was the "angle" of the front cabinet, it's not perfect but good enought for the girls I date.... The corners were the easist part....I'm really impressed how well the tolex matched the oringinal Mesa
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    Grill removal

    Yea, it's the salt and pepper... Got it off ebay for 22 bucks a yard...Mojo wanted double that.... Got the Marshall stripped yesterday... I thought I could get away with water to remove the old adhesive since it's water based, NOT... had to bring out the belt sander... Works pretty good... I did...
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    Grill removal

    Finally got the grill reupholstered... Grill is held in by screws from the inside of cab.. Don't know what was up with the extra grill frame. The top cab is a marshall that I am converting to a Mesa.. Yea, I know it's sin, but I couldn't afford a new cab, so I did the next best thing... The top...
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    Grill removal

    The one on fleabay I bought I have already started to take apart...I'll have to say, YES there are a crap load of staples... Got two sides done and I had to take a day off... I couldn't believe they use so many staples....It sure as hell ain't going to come apart with out a lot of effort.... I...
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    Grill removal

    The one on fleabay I bought I have already started to take apart...I'll have to say, YES there are a crap load of staples... Got two sides done and I had to take a day off... I couldn't believe they use so many staples....It sure as hell ain't going to come apart with out a lot of effort.... I...
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    Grill removal

    So how hard is it to remove the grill on an oversize cab? I bought an extra grill off fleabay so that I could change the cloth.... Just curious if anyone else has done it..
  13. U

    WTB rectifier oversized cabinet

    Traditional thanks
  14. U

    WTB rectifier oversized cabinet

    If ya got one for sale shoot me a price...Thanks