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  1. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    I've heard nothing but positive comments about the Warehouse Celestion clones so far.
  2. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    Where'd you pick it up from? I tried mine out in the 1x12 ported bottom portion of my halfback cab and it sounded bad ***. And NP man, always glad to help out.
  3. T

    2 16 ohm Celestion V30's from a Tremoverb combo for sale.

    Whoops, I almost forgot, e-mail me for pics [email protected]
  4. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    They sound sweet to me at all volumes, and don't have to be cranked to tinnitus inducing levels to push them nicely.
  5. T

    2 16 ohm Celestion V30's from a Tremoverb combo for sale.

    1 pair of Mesa 16 ohm V30s. They have been in the amp (T-Verb combo) since the day it came to me new. I've used them off and on along with a couple of other cabs over that time, so all in all maybe a good 2 1/2 or 3 yrs of that time I was using the V30s. They sound great, are in good shape, and...
  6. T

    Tremoverb- Sleeper for classic rock??

    Ain't no one sleepin' when this amp is rockin'. But yeah, they cover classic rock ground well.
  7. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    I had the Bogner 4x12 with V30s and my T-Verb combo with V30s, and like I said above I'll take the Fane AXA12 and EV12L speakers over them any day.
  8. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    They sound great at all volume levels to me, and as good as a tube amp can sound at low volume. I had heard that they went out of business, but then I heard they might have started back up again. Anyway about it their website was still up the last I checked. Maybe start there, and see if you...
  9. T

    Tremoverb - Which Cab is Best?

    Here's what I've used so far with mine.
  10. T

    Tremoverb ugliness!!!

    I've got an EV12L loaded 2x12 and the 2x12 combo loaded with two Fane 100 watt alnico speakers, so lacking low-end isn't really an issue. I'm more thinking about isolating my tubes from vibration, and reducing heat damage to the PCB and components.
  11. T

    Guitar signal path?

    I find that for the high-gain tones I like (clear and punchy) it works much better to set the master high, like 2:00 +, and keep the gain around 12:30-1:00, and then hit that with a boost when I want a little extra oomph.
  12. T

    who's got the best metal tone?

    Oh yeah.
  13. T

    who's got the best metal tone?

    I'm gonna have to give it up to these two as my faves right now.
  14. T

    Tremoverb ugliness!!!

    I'm thinking about having my combo's chassis mounted so the controls are top facing, with the print right side up, and having the tubes in a nice well ventilated cage so I can blow a fan on them to prolong tube and board component life. Then I'll seal the combo cab and use it for a closed or...
  15. T

    Tremoverb Design Flaw?

    Wow, this is the first I've ever heard of this. I've got a '96 combo, and run a pair or a quad of SED EL34 along with one or two 5AR4 rectifiers and crank the amp when I play it (master at 2:00 + often, gain around 12:30-1:00). Do you think a problem might be looming in my future?
  16. T

    Mullards 12Ax's in Deuce

    I didn't use all Mullards, but have two Mullard ECC83 in V1 and 2 of my T-verb, alone with 2 RFT ECC83, and 2 GE 5751, and it sounds much better to me then the stock Shuguang 12AX7's did in the amp, across all levels of gain.
  17. T

    +++ Dual Rect Tubes +++ Would this work ???

    My Tremoverb sounds outstanding with GZ34/5AR4 and Svetlana EL34. If you have a tech bias them up the 6CA7 out to be fine in the amp. I bet it'll sound kick ***.
  18. T

    Mesa 5Y3 rectifier tube death !!!!

    I've heard more than once that current 5y3's are not that durable. However, it would suck to spend extra coin on an NOS just to fry it though if it's something with the amp.
  19. T

    el 34´s with dual rectifier

    I've got a '96 Tremoverb 2x12 that I run with a pair (2) of Svetlana EL34, and a JJ 5AR4 rectifier. I love this set up, it really brings out the life in the tone from the power section when cranked, ala master at 2:00 or more on both channels. I play either my '87 Am. Stand. Strat with Lace...