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  1. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    Yeah, but unless you use a cab/head distributor, which considerably reduce tone, you won't be able to use them all on the same head. I wonder what a stage would look like having a wall of 8 412's long and 3 412's height.... mmmmh. :D The guy would be scared that this falls I think. :P...
  2. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    And by the way, is there a tone/volume degradation when you run one guitar through TWO amps ( and lets say 2/4 cabs)? Again, I guess it all depends of the A/B/Y switch? Can you suggest a few switch that might be nice for me? If everyone tried the Mark IV/Mark IV settings, what switch do you...
  3. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    Oh, ok, so this is what this 2nd output on the effect are for? So I would just run the whole thing into both amps and having the effects through both one... ok But then, if I want to change the amp's channel, I gotta change both a the same time. Unless I've got a midi pedal, can this be...
  4. D

    Opinions on Epiphone Explorers?

    I played many Ibanez, and I just realized that a big part of their products got basswood body... which I just hate. I tried a Dual Recto with one and, when I grabbed the guitar, I thought it was sheet made. I know this is not, but the wood seems so cheap to me. I just hated the thing. I like...
  5. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    But then, how do I set these 2 amps in the same rig? Is it by using the stereo settings on the back of the amp?
  6. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    Ok, then I gotta use a Satellite, or another MKIV wired with the first?
  7. D

    Clean electric vs. miked acoustic vs. piezo?

    To me, piexo are great for chorus crystal bright sound, out of that. You can't get a decent distortion with these. But this is all to my taste!
  8. D

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    I've heard that MK IIC have a more agressive Lead than MKIV? Does anyone can confirm that? If yes, I'm just going to run after one!
  9. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    Are stereo effets heard better when the 2 412 are placed horizontally? I've heard that that make a big difference when coming to stereo effects?
  10. D

    Best Chorus for the Mark IV

    Thanks, do you suggest considering buying fulltone delay too?
  11. D

    QC Area - Show Friday 13th

    For anyone in the Qc Area, we're having a show in Levis Friday the 13th with Manahil. Browse our MySpace for my infos. Thanks a lot!
  12. D

    Jackson KV2

    Is a Jackson KV2 really worth the price? I'm interesed into buying one, but my local dealer doesn't keep tem in stock. I wonder if it worth the money. Anybody played one recent model lately? And would also like to know if it would be possible to modify something on the guitar ( more...
  13. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    Well, in fact, I do not own a Triaxis myself, but you have to choose between superb options and unused output or power that does fit your needs I think. The decision would probably rip me appart, too.
  14. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    If you don't need 2:90, you can look for a 2:50, which can be really nice too. Too much power isn't better, in fact, it is worst if you don't use it all. A tube that is not run loud doesn't sound as nice as it should be. It is the same thing as I said with the RoadKing and Single Rcter-thing.
  15. D

    412 vs. 2x412

    I am the proud owner of a Mark IV and a 412 Standard Recto Slant. I wanted to know if the difference was huge between a single 412 and a pair. Will it affect my effects too? If I have stereo compatible effects, how would it be set so that the effects become stereo?
  16. D

    Best Chorus for the Mark IV

    I'm in search for a chorus pedal that would be subtle to my clean but would cut enough to be noticeable into my RHYII. Considering, the same pedals would pass into both channel, what would be the best chorus?
  17. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    I think the choice relies on your needs. It would be like buying a Road King when you only need a Single Rectifier.
  18. D

    EL 34 str 442 blue any good for a mark 4 b

    You can switch 2 of your tube for EL34 and still stay safe, so, yes. You may want to look in the manual, but you can only change the outside pair of tube.
  19. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    Yeah, the triaxis itself is not that expensive, but you have to buy a poweramp ( in this case th 2:90). I think that the sound is not really changed when using the 2:90 because I think this one is running with 6V6, which is the same as Marks. The Triaxis is a bit intimidating too. If you have...
  20. D

    Triaxis/2:90 v.s. Mark 4

    Definitely, if you have the money, go for triaxis. The triaxis is like a melting pot of all the Mk series. Can you get better? No...