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  1. E

    Roadster sound / tube problems

    Yeah, I contacted my retailer and told about the problem and asked about the preamp tubes. So now I'm (hopefully) getting some replacement tubes and I'll check which of the tubes are the one(s) to blame.
  2. E

    Roadster sound / tube problems

    So my deal is this: I bought my roadster about 2 months ago and have been playing it with a pretty reasonable volumes. Now it just lost it's voice on channel 4 when I switched reverb off and makes occasionally this crackling noise on channel 3 but not on any other channel. This occurres only...
  3. E

    Roadster fx-loop leaks, normal?

    Hasn't no one else noticed this curious behaviour?
  4. E

    Roadster fx-loop leaks, normal?

    I have this strange problem where my effects device leaks it's sound through the roadster when my 'Loop System in' is in Hard Bypass mode (in other words off) and one of my channel specific loop switches is turned ON. When I switch to that channel where the fx-loop is turned ON, my effects...
  5. E

    Noob roadster questions

    Diverted my roadsters fx-loop leak question Here.
  6. E

    Noob roadster questions

    Ok thanks! It just seemed so odd that you could switch directly to a mode where the voltage gets suddenly lowered.
  7. E

    Noob roadster questions

    First question: when switching from bold to spongy, should I turn the amp off before changing to the other mode or can I just switch it directly to it? I'm a bit confused because there is the "0 - off" in the middle of the switch which would suggest that I should first turn the amp off before I...
  8. E

    Which MESA 212 Cab?

    So it does it's job on band rehearsals but I need a cab that I can use on my concert gigs also. So maybe the recto 2x12 slant could be it. I really don't need it to be extremely loud but loud enough to hear through the mix in concerts. Another thing is that we almost always mic it anyway so...
  9. E

    Which MESA 212 Cab?

    You recommended the 212 for the thread starter and I'm also in the market for buying a roadster and a suitable cab for it but since you have both the rectifier 2x12 (was it the horizontal or slant?) and 4x12, could you englighten us/me what's the major difference in the sounding? Does the 2x12...
  10. E

    Better roadster sounding with krank cabs?

    Interesting, I never really considered bogner, nor heard any pros/cons from their products, as a respectable cab producer, but I guess I should go and try it aswell. I'm also struggling with the 2x12 or 4x12 issue. I'm not all that into playing metal though, but more of that heavier stuff and...
  11. E

    Better roadster sounding with krank cabs?

    Many thanks for your informative posts here! Hmm, well presumably this old school cab is no longer in the market, as in new cab, but what do you think of the rectifier 2x12 Vertical Slant for the mission or the 4x12 road king slant cab? The latter one has at least an opening on its back. Btw...
  12. E

    Better roadster sounding with krank cabs?

    I was wondering has anybody tried to run mesa roadster through a krank revolution 4x12 (eminence V12 Legend) cab? I'm now heading to test a marshall and mesa 2x12 and rectifier 4x12 cabs, but if anybody has any recommendations on any other good cabs under the roadster, please reply! The things...
  13. E

    Triaxis USA price

    Well the traveling is not a problem but the pass through limits need to be checked before leaving. Border taxes are a bit tricky so that needs to checked also. The overall price comes up quite a bit but hardly that much what I'd have to pay for a new one up here.
  14. E

    Triaxis USA price

    Great, thanks! I guess I need to pay a little visit to the US ;)
  15. E

    Triaxis USA price

    Thanks! Pretty cheap compared to European prices.. But how is it with the Mesa Simul-Class 2:Ninety prices? And I mean with the new units?
  16. E

    Triaxis USA price

    Well mainly new.
  17. E

    Triaxis USA price

    So what's the current average price for the mesa triaxis in USA?