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  1. X

    Just bought a Mark IV, a few questions

    Hey Robster, Was that the MK IV at the Manchester, CT Guitar Center by any chance? Steve---
  2. X

    Thinking about a rack mount kit for my MK-IV

    one just recently went for $90 + shipping on the ol' ebay.
  3. X

    WTB- Rickenbacker Guitar Case...

    Need a case for my 610. I think any 600 series would fit or anything with the "crested wave" body. Thanks, Burke---
  4. X

    "new" tremoverb, partial refund, now alive again!

    well, that's better than nothing. hope you have up and running soon.
  5. X

    "new" tremoverb, partial refund, now alive again!

    Any news on this one? Hope it's going well.
  6. X

    "new" tremoverb, partial refund, now alive again!

    I feel your broken amp pain. I had a Tremoverb head shell and two power tubes damaged by UPS a few months back. Luckily the guy I bought it from over-packed it really well or else the damage would've been a lot worse. I got the claim paid after about 6 weeks of repeated phone calls to UPS and...
  7. X

    What does Mesa use... glue the joints on the head shells? Looking to get my TOV shell repaired and was wondering if something like Titebond was fine or if something would be better to use?
  8. X

    WTB Slip Cover for Tremoverb

    If anybody has a slip cover for a Tremoverb head they wanna get rid of for like $20, please let me know. My place is dusty... :P
  9. X

    Anybody ever filed a UPS damage claim?

    So UPS actually paid the claim to replace the head shell and two power tubes that were damaged. I gotta say, everyone I talked to was very friendly but it seemed like each new person I spoke with was in the dark when it came to the claim. Like they were starting from the beginning without any...
  10. X

    Anybody ever filed a UPS damage claim?

    Well- I checked the power tubes- one is shorted and one is a baby rattle the others are fine. The 5U4's are fine as well. I powered it up with no tubes and in diode mode. It didn't blow the fuse so thats a good sign. I'm gonna wait to check the guts until UPS has a look at it though. By the...
  11. X

    Anybody ever filed a UPS damage claim?

    Hey guys, The seller packaged it himself- pretty well too- and it was insured for $1000. I haven't tried to fire it up yet to see if anything else is wrong. Hopefully not. Hey Rabies- any chance while you're there you could ask the guys at Mesa if they still make the TOV shells? I could be wrong...
  12. X

    Anybody ever filed a UPS damage claim?

    Hi, A former lurker here. I've always had my heart set on owning a Tremoverb. I finally bit the bullet and got a burgundy and tan head. UPS was the shipper unfortunately and it arrived with a cracked head shell and a rip through the leather at one corner joint -and who knows what else. The...