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  1. L

    Dual Rectifier CH. 2 and CH. 3 totally different?

    According to the maunal ch2 modern uses less negative feedback, so it'd be less tight then ch3 Modern mode.
  2. L

    Dual Rectifier 2 Channel Distortion Issue

    Sounds like it may be your guitar/cable.
  3. L

    Bands new Song posted (Dual Recto Content)

    Thanks for listening dude!
  4. L

    Bands new Song posted (Dual Recto Content)

    We finally got a final mix back for our third and final song of our three song demo. Please have a listen. BTW we are also looking for a second guitarist for anyone in the Vancouver BC area. Thanks for listening guys!
  5. L

    DR Mods

    You can mess with the sloping resistor in the EQ circuit, this changes the scoop point of the mids. Also the parallel cap and resistor stage after V1 can be tweaked for spectrum. Meaning how much highs and lows are going to go through the rest of the amp.
  6. L

    Vote for my Band.....Please!!

    Our myspace page has been getting alot of hits lately. Thanks for listening guys!!
  7. L

    Vote for my Band.....Please!!

    Not sure if anyone has voted for us, but our myspace has been getting more hits. Thanks for listening guys.
  8. L

    Vote for my Band.....Please!!

    We're in a radio contest and need online votes to get through to the next round. Grand prize is to open for STP!!!!! If you dig our tunes , you can vote for us at , vote for Stealing Eden!! Then pat yourself on the back for...
  9. L

    New Bands music up (Dual Recto content)

    No problem dude. Well you know how everyone says you have to boost a Recto. Well I use EMG85 pickups running at 18v. This gives me a pretty hot signal that acts lke a semi-boost. Anyways the settings are: Modern Mode Gain: 11:00 Treble: 12:00 Mids: 1:30 Bass: 11:00 Presense: 11:00 MV: 12:00...
  10. L

    New Bands music up (Dual Recto content)

  11. L

    New 2 Channel DR Argument

    In your experience how does a tranny upgrade affect a Recto's tone. IYO
  12. L

    Rectifier Loop Problem. Please Advise.

    my bad i miscounted. I knew the last one was the phase inverter so i replaced the one next to it. I even tried swapping in a 12at7, but i still get the same clipping sound. Any one else experience this?
  13. L

    A different way of asking the same question.....

    I don't really like how they sound for modern tones. LoG and Chevelle have very weak live tones IMO. Their cd tones are pretty good, but still have a slight vintage twang to them that I don't like.
  14. L

    Rectifier Loop Problem. Please Advise.

    I recent aquired my second delay pedal to use in the loop of my Single Rectifier. But everytime I used it in the loop (parallel), the delays would just sound like a weird vibrato. Almost like the sound is mixing back out of phase or the signal was clipping. Anyone have any ideas? I know its not...
  15. L

    Single Recto VS Carvin V3 VS Line6/Bogner Tube Amp

    Does anyone notice a difference in the cut of a Dual vs Single?
  16. L

    Single Recto VS Carvin V3 VS Line6/Bogner Tube Amp

    I've owned a Single Reco for well over a year now and am finally getting tired of the tone in a band setting. I find alone the Recto's are huge, but in a band mix only the some bass and all the highs seem to cut through. I'm getting no mids coming out. Hence I'm losing all my definition. I...
  17. L

    Mesa Tube Review

    Had an awesome gig last night. First show with the new band Severfuse Most years now I've be using JJ tubes in all my amps. But I didn't have time to wait for shipping before the show, so I popped down to the local shop and got a set of Mesa pre and power tubes...
  18. L

    Single rec preamp tubes

    Recto's already have tons of gain, I run my Single at around 11:30 for gain. I say go with the standard set, and 6L6 power tubes for sure.
  19. L

    Boogie Schematics...

    could you email me that schematic please [email protected]