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  1. P

    Got a Studio Pre...should I get a Quad too?

    ...I have a '86 Quad from two years and the channel switching is perfect... bye
  2. P

    Loving the sound of my Mark III rackmount... but

    I have try my Quad with 2:90 and 295 ( my amp now..) and with the second channel of the Quad into the 295 i have the Mark III with the 2:90, but a good sound with it too... bye
  3. P

    What preamps are you guys using........

    Quad into 295 and two Mesa 1x12 with EV... :twisted:
  4. P

    Tube Screamer into a Quad?

    I've try to boost the Quad with a 808, but the only pedal, among the pedals I have try, that boost in the right way the Quad is the RC Xotic Booster...trasparent and dynamic... bye
  5. P

    Post your Rig!

    ...Great :D ...I 've the quad and the lexicon G2 too...i use a 2:90 power amp...for you, is the 295/395 better for the Quad? thanks
  6. P

    Quad + 50/50

    ...I have try to use a UPS, more cheaper, but it didn't solve my problem of unexpected volume drop...the st 1500 solves any problem! bye
  7. P

    Quad + 50/50

    sinceramente si, solo che senza flightcase è un pò scomodo, ma la soddisfazione di sentire il tuo gear che funziona sempre uguale è tanta...puoi sempre vedere il valore della corrente in entrata che viene reso costante e ti salva tutti i componenti, in particolare le valvole,dagli sbalzi e...
  8. P

    Quad + 50/50 suono è migliorato parecchio in armoniche,presenza e soprattutto ora le prestazioni sia in termini di volume che di tono sono costanti! ...the sound is really improved now in presence,harmonics and dynamic...especially the performances in terms of volume and tone are costant!
  9. P

    Quad + 50/50

    yes, it's 1 unit rack and it regutate the voltage of the line...if the voltage isn't costant, it regulate the voltage for the right, costant value! I 'have buy the Proel ST 1500: It'has 1000 watt of output that...
  10. P

    Quad + 50/50

    ...absolutly a voltage regulator...with this tool I am able to hear the real sound of my gear in any situation...the quad is very sensible at the irregular tension...scuse me for the terms but I'm italian... :D !
  11. P

    Quad + 50/50

    hello, I have the quad with the 2:90 that is very similar to the new 50/50 and i'm very happy for the sound quality and versatility...I've tried a lot of speaker configuration: 4x12,2x12 and 1x12 with V30,greenback and g75 but with two mesa 1x12 Electrovoice I have found the top...for any stile...
  12. P

    Mesa quad

    I 've bought a quad two month ago and it's the best sound I have never heard or play...simply fantastic!
  13. P

    Post your rigs

  14. P

    Yep, another QUAD clip ;)

    ...very cool sound strait, but as you know, we have the same you rimember me? bye