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  1. A

    Bought a used MARK IV Head from Guitar Center. A or B??

    How did you know? Just curious..
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    Bought a used MARK IV Head from Guitar Center. A or B??

    Guys, I got a great deal (I think) for a used mint MARK IV Head at Guitar Center ($1100). I wanted to know if the head was an A or a B version. I think the rep told me it was a B, but how can I confirm it? Where is the serial # located? I appreciate any info.. see pics below!
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    Guess which amps John Petrucci is using in this video??

    wrong, 95% of it was mark iv and lonestar used for cleans. He blended the iic+ and iv on "The Dark Eternal Night"
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    WTT: Mesa Boogie RK2 Head for Mark IV B Head

    Anyone interested, please PM me. The Head is in MINT condition, only played once and is v2 with the tuner out option.
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    ??Do YOU Own A Rectifier Amp That POPS??

    RK 2 Head here and it pops - about to sell it
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    Petrucci settings for Mark IV?

    Random Hero: do you have any more closer pics of that rig? I was standing literally inches away from that rig when I had the meet and greet with him (I actually touched the top part of the casing lol) I so wanted to take pics, but they didn't allow any to be taken backstage. One guy was shocked...
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    John Petrucci uses STOCK Mark IV's (NO MOD)

    Confirmed last night at the meet and greet when I asked him. Hope this answers your questions for you JP fans!!!
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    My Mark IIC+ and RK2

    Hey guys, I wanted to share with you guys my amps. I have to say, I'm truly happy with my iic+.. I just can't explain how heavy and smooth this amp is. F'ing unbelievable! Mark IIC+ My RK2: I'm looking into purchasing a Mark IV head next. I tried the Stiletto, but didn't like it...
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    I am thinking about buying this Mark IV amp. Is it A or B? is $1200 a good price?
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    My Mark IV arrived this morning!

    just wanted to see that too :D
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    My Mark IV arrived this morning!

    can you take a picture of the back of the rig?
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    Mark IIC+ = Greatest AMP EVER!

    Hey man, you never know it might take them like 1 hr or less (depending on the problem), so I wouldn't worry about it. Plus, you have to trust Mesa .. I spent over $1000 at the other place.. Mesa fixed it right away for under $150 (included s/h) Good luck and go for it! :D
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    Mark IIC+ = Greatest AMP EVER!

    hey man, Mesa Boogie had it for a little over a month. I have the Simul class and EQ version.. I'll post pics later on.. I didn't request any special tweaks.. When I first got the amp, I had so much trouble getting gain, it was just not really activating at all... then I decided to get it...
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    Mark IIC+ = Greatest AMP EVER!

    Guys, I just want to say that I am the most happiest guy EVER. I recently received my Mark IIC+ from Mesa Boogie (got it serviced by Mike B) and had a chance to try it out today. I am SOO blown away by the tone of this AMP. Never have I heard such awesome crunch and rich distortation not to...
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    Another prob with my mark iic+ head. Please Help.....

    Well guys, After almost over a month, I finally got my iic+ back from Mesa last night. A Mesa Boogie technician named Rich called me several weeks ago and stated that Mike B from Mesa took a look at it. Mike stated there were a couple of questionable transistors that he replaced he "got it as...
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    -CLIP: Mesa sound with my band. Triaxis/2:90, TC G-Force

    That is some great tone
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    another petrucci rig question..(sorry)

    Thanks guys for the replies.. I didn't even know the mark iv can nail this tone... that is freaking amazing.... Does petrucci use the 2 heads to double the sound and make it "thicker"? If so, can 1 head achieve it just as well? Boogiebabies, what is your opinion and do you have any clips? :D
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    another petrucci rig question..(sorry)

    Hey guys, I am thinking about getting a Mark IV, but I wanted to know if this amp can produce awesome crunch tones with a JP EBMM guitar?? I was looking for this exact tone he played on the g3 tour: I love petrucci's liquidy tone on his solos.. I...
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    mark IIc++ (yes two plusses)

    Boogiebabies: Kinda a stupid noob question: since the mod adds significantly more gain, is it still possible that an overdrive pedal can be used to boost some more gain on a stock iic+ to have the same effect?