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  1. G

    WTB: Express 5:25 or similar!

    Havent been here for a while but i need a new amp and miss my old 5:25!!!! Not too fussed wether its a 110/112 or head either so show me what youve got! :D ps, might also be interested in the subway/rocket/blues range?
  2. G

    **Express 5:25 Head** - UK/Europe

    Got to sell my mesa unfortunately, moving in with my fiance and some friends this month and wont be able to crank it up as one of them works nights. Quite gutted as ive never had such an easy time dialling in a good tone with an amp since i played a blackface vibro-champ :( These are seriously...
  3. G

    Express 5:25 - To buy or not to buy

    I have a 5:25 head with a framus 1x12 cab so that i dont get any "boxiness" at home and can use a 4x12" for gigs, personally its the best amp ive owned so far and the only ones i like more are a fender tweed deluxe reissue or a cornell plexi 7 :)
  4. G

    Express 5:25 ... help on 60s-70s type overdrive

    Definately use the blues channel for this, or even the clean with the gain up high. Id use the 25w mode too for the extra presence to clarify the strings. Not sure you need a strat to do it though, afaik they used LPs for the recording.......
  5. G

    1x12 Cab for 5:25 head?

    well, ive got the express head home now, its rather cute for an amp lol!!! Love the free amp cover and footswitch bag, definately an unexpected bonus that ive not seen from any other amp company ive had in the past. Really dying to hear it though, got to wait for a cab to arrive now which is a...
  6. G

    1x12 Cab for 5:25 head?

    Picking up my 5:25 head tomorrow but havent decided on a cab to go with it, at the moment im leaning towards this framus one; But is there anything else worth looking at for home use thatll give a nice rounded/classic sound at low volumes?
  7. G

    New User: Mark III help please

    Btw, its a non-EQ model if that matters? Just sold my Single recto head to downgrade volume/size-wise but i dont mind getting an attenuator if needs be. Im tossing up between this one, an F-30 or maybe even an express 5:25, pretty much after whatevers most flexible and gives me the best...
  8. G

    New User: Mark III help please

    Hey guys, Im borrowing this one from a local shop for a few days, just want some tone tips for it and a bit of help. Is there any way to use a footswitch to switch the lead channel/boost (?) on? Also, the panel light barely turns on, not sure why or if this indicates a problem?
  9. G

    Metallica via Mesa/Boogie Mark III video

    wow. Im honestly buying one tomorrow! theres a used one in a local shop thats not been getting any interest for ages so im gonna have it now methinks, was just about to post to see what you guys thought of them for metallica stuff, this answers it perfectly! 8)
  10. G

    FS: DC-5 head and footswitch $600 shipped conus

    hey mate, Would you be happy to ship to the UK? my ebay id is fenderfan62 for reference :) Cheers, Simon
  11. G

    Survey, Are Pedals Through a LSS Considered Taboo?

    heres your answer: do the pedals you have/want through an LSS sound good? If no, then dont use them. If yes, then its taboo but all the more enjoyable because of it, like many things :roll: :lol:
  12. G

    My new summer love (Express 5:25)

    sweet gas, wouldnt mind adding a 5:25 short chassis to my rig too, i use a solo 50 atm and from what i hear, the express series would compliment one prefectly :)
  13. G

    New RK-II Head***uh-oh

    My SR is getting recovered in that combo next week to match my new cab :D
  14. G


    lol! mines an american import too, but i got the transformer free with it muhahahaha! :lol: :twisted:
  15. G


    arrived this morning, dont get my cab till tomorrow though :(
  16. G

    Single Rectifier Solo 50 Owners?

    soz, it only works (normally!!!) if the image is already online, not on your hard drive :\
  17. G


    er, whys no-one mentioned prs? give a PRS CE-24 mahogany a try, sounds like your thing, bloody brilliant guitars and by no means are they the runt of the litter
  18. G

    Single Rectifier Solo 50 Owners?

    okay, obviously pictures dont seem to want to work from inside a hotmail account........... BUT normally just right click on the image, go on properties and then highlight and copy the image url address. Then come back and post it on here after clicking the Img button once and again after...
  19. G

    Single Rectifier Solo 50 Owners?

    Here they are! explanation on its way :) *EDIT* hmm, f*cked that up lol!!!!!! one sec ;)