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    Express combos - welcome to rip-off Britain once again...

    Yeah, you're way off on the dealer cost price. Trust me, I am a dealer. The markup on Mesa amps is nowhere near as much as other music gear. Typically, dealer cost is half of retail price. On Mesa, its about 25% less than the street price. The shops don't make near as much on them as other...
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    New Mesa Owner - Troubled by hiss

    Hiss is shot noise from stray electrons inside the tube, it's par for the course with high gain amps.
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    is there a REAL difference between the trad./oversized cabs?

    Yes, there is a difference. I like the tone of the traditional cab way better. The oversize cab has a way more pronounced treble and more pronounced bass. That sizzly, aggravating sound is gone when you use a traditional cab. To my ears (more roots type and santana tones) the traditional has...
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    Favorite SMALL Boogies

    I found the right amp, I'll report back when I get it...
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    Favorite SMALL Boogies

    How about just smallest, most lightweight boogies?
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    When to replace cap's ?

    When you start to hear out of tune notes underneath the ones you play, and you hear excessive hum in the amp.
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    What power tubes do you run in your mark III

    I use a pair of 447's (El34s) in the outside pair and 440s on the inside pair, although I have the later green stripe model that is 60 watts in the 'class a' setting, and almost always keep it in that setting with just the EL34s.
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    Mk III ghost notes

    It's probably your filter caps. You'll hear an out of tune note underneath the ones you play, particularly evident with the lower strings.
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    Help with My Dc 5

    Take all the tubes out and inspect them for damage. Your pilot light will light up even if the tubes arent in the amp at all. Make sure you get all the tubes, even the ones under covers and check them out. They should all light up. If your preamp tubes aren't lighting up, you won't get any...
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    Favorite SMALL Boogies

    I actually already have the LSS, and a MK3. Just looking for something smaller, lighter, more portable.
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    Favorite SMALL Boogies

    I need a small boogie and want some recommendations. Something along the lines of Subway Rockets, studio caliber, .22 caliber, etc. I'm not sure of all the small amps they made, but I need something lightweight for low volume stuff. I don't need anything with tons of gain or reverb, just a...
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    Anyone ever run any of their settings at '10'?

    More gain does not create more heat. Your preamp tubes are running in class A, which means they are full on all the time whether you're playing or not, soft or loud, gain or no gain. Your power tube lifespan is affected by how hard you run the amp, but preamp tubes aren't.
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    Time to retube my Mark III

    I highly recommend the Mesa SPAX7a tubes. I tried all sorts of tubes including JJ's, russian mesas, and NOS RCA's, and the best sounding tubes for my MK3 were the spax7s.
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    Mark III C+ Mod

    Resistors don't have a polarity. The 10k is just there so you can't turn down the pot to 0, which would short to ground. With the 10k resistor in series when you turn the pot all the way down you get 10k as a minumum.
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    Retubing my mark III

    Man, in mine the best sounding tube out of a variety of preamp tubes, including NOS RCAs was the Mesa spax7s, the chinese 12ax7. Those made a big improvement in the tone. I haven't got to try different types of power tubes but I have JJs in mine right now and I'm happy with it.
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    What mesa does Tim from 311 use?

    Anyone know? He's on the artist listing. I love his sound, which amp is it?
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    Mark III stripe variation questions

    Which of the stripes do you guys prefer? Mine is a green so the EL34s are not wired triode, I'm thinking of modding it to the earlier stripe triode version.
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    Mark III C+ Mod

    From what I understand you can just look at the schematic for both amps and copy the IIC+ schematic. The most legible schems I found were in the Tube Amp Book by the way.
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    Mark III C+ Mod

    here's how I did the adjustable bias. If you look at the bottom corner of the board near the power tubes there is a spot on the board labeled R117, and it looks like there was a resistor there that was clipped out of the circuit. You install a 50k or so trim pot across that. But, I strongly...
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    Mark III simul-class triode mode

    Do any of you own both the green stripe mark III (this one doesn't have the EL34s wired in triode) and another red, blue, or black one too? I'm curious to see which one you like better tonally in the Class A setting. I'm on a quest to get the best tone I can out of my green stripe, and was...