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The Boogie Board

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  1. U

    Slash's Guitar ?

    The man you're thinking of was Chris Derrig. He passed away in '86. Slash had a couple of Derrig LPs, but his main one was a '59 replica which was used on the Appetite album. "That was my main Les Paul for the whole record. The thing is, maybe I'm just too single-minded or one dimensional, but...
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    MKIV solo boost

    Now that's using the noodle! Great idea - I'll give that a go :) ytse_jam - thanks for that, this is the way I've got it set up at the moment, and it gives great results. I do remember reading though that amps don't like having a boost in between preamp and poweramp. Can anyone expand on this...
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    MKIV solo boost

    Hi all, I recently got an MXR 6-band EQ pedal for my MKIV to use as a solo boost. Using it in the loop provides a nice amount of boost across all channels, but in front of the amp the RHY1 channel will boost the most, RHY2 less and the lead channel hardly boosts at all, even with all the...
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    New MXR / Bradshaw pedals

    Ah - gotcha! Thanks gents :D
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    Intro/Mark IV combo + 1960 cab... which outputs?

    That's a helluva singer you've got there! :shock: Let us know when you get your album done, the rough cuts sound really good! BTW I run an early '80s 1960 cab with my MKIV head and so far there have been no problems. I had a quick look in the manual and it says 'Mis-matching on the high side...
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    New MXR / Bradshaw pedals

    I've been looking at boost pedals for a solo boost for my MKIV - been looking at the MXR Micro Amp up to now, but I notice that MXR have just released a couple of new pedals in collaboration with Bob Bradshaw - one being a boost. From what I hear it's basically a MIcro Amp with a...
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    Intro/Mark IV combo + 1960 cab... which outputs?

    Evil Mariah Carey eh?! This I've gotta hear!!
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    Motorcycle owners on this forum?

    Too right! It's great to ride home after a day's work thinking about nothing else but the road though. Those SUV mums are pretty bad alright - and their number grows by the day! We also have a breed of particularly fun halfwits called 'white van men'. They are well-known for their complete...
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    Suitable cab for a MKIV head

    Jings - you are a mine of information! This cab turned out to be a JCM800 cab, it has 'JCM800' then underneath 'Lead - 1960' on the wee gold plaque. Still waiting to take the back off to inspect the speakers, but when I tested it out it sounded very nice indeed. It's pretty knackered, some would...
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    Suitable cab for a MKIV head

    As luck would have it, I've found a '70s Marshall cab! The seller has no idea what speakers are in it mind you, so I'll probably take the back off and have a peek. I'm heading round tonight to have a look at it. Are there any speakers I should look out for, or particularly avoid? Cheers :D
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    Motorcycle owners on this forum?

    '05 Triumph Speedmaster - braving the daily commute into the centre of London and back!
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    Suitable cab for a MKIV head

    I'd love to try one of those 1/2 back cabs alright, I've heard nothing but good things about them (apart from the weight!). Only problem is that they're like hens' teeth over here, practically impossible to source. I do know of a recording studio that has one - although prying it out of their...
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    Suitable cab for a MKIV head

    Wow - thanks gents! I really didn't expect such comprehensive replies! I think I'll have a hard time finding a cab in good nick with the 65s in it, but you never know :) I'll definitely be comparing the 75s with the V30s this weekend though. I'll keep my eye open for an Orange cab too - don't...
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    Suitable cab for a MKIV head

    Hi all - will be joining the Boogie family on Saturday when I pick up a MKIV head, looking forward to it! I'd like to hear some thoughts on suitable cabs for this beastie. It's a 'B' variant I presume, it's only 4 months old. At the moment I'm considering either a 1960A or a 1960AV from...