MKIV solo boost

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Aug 21, 2006
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Hi all,

I recently got an MXR 6-band EQ pedal for my MKIV to use as a solo boost. Using it in the loop provides a nice amount of boost across all channels, but in front of the amp the RHY1 channel will boost the most, RHY2 less and the lead channel hardly boosts at all, even with all the sliders pushed up to the max. Any ideas why this is?

Any ideas/suggestions would be much appreciated!
i think you should use the eq in the loop. When using the clean channel (if you use your eq as a boost in front of your amp), you amplify the input signal so you have as a result an amplified output signal, but only if you don't reach the threshold of clipping, which means your signal starts distorting. Rhy2/Lead channels are designed to provide distorted tones, and you can't increase the level at which clipping begins. So, in this case, if you amplify the input signal you only get more distortion but not more output level, since the clipping level remains the same. FX loop is after distortion circuitry, so your eq pedal will work fine in the loop.

Why not set your amp volume to solo level, and then use the pedal to turn down the volume for rhythming? Works great for me. Cheers.
Now that's using the noodle! Great idea - I'll give that a go :)

ytse_jam - thanks for that, this is the way I've got it set up at the moment, and it gives great results. I do remember reading though that amps don't like having a boost in between preamp and poweramp. Can anyone expand on this?

Cheers guys :)
BTW, for my suggestion to work, put the EQ pedal in the FX loop. Cheers.
in his first post, trem suggested another good way to go, but remember that it will influence the amount of distortion.. sincerely i don't know if it could be a problem to have a boost between pre and pwramp...
in the loop it will boost all channels. Have you tried using the EQ on the amp as a volume boost? The eq built into the amp works great as a volume boost too.
ytse_jam said:
in his first post, trem suggested another good way to go, but remember that it will influence the amount of distortion.. sincerely i don't know if it could be a problem to have a boost between pre and pwramp...

Aye, it will affect the distortion level if placed before the input. But if you insert the EQ pedal within the loop, it won't affect the (pre-amp) distortion. Maybe you'll lose a certain amount of power amp sweetness while rhythming, but you'll get it back anyway when you disengage the pedal for soloing. Again, don't use the EQ pedal to boost, use it to de-boost :lol:. Cheers!