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The Boogie Board

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  1. S

    mark 4 volume pots?

    According to my tech, it's not a pleasant job. Six of the pots on my Mark IV's lower row of controls have broken shafts (I bought it that way). I thought I might fix them, as I'm thinking of selling and thought it would be nice to fix them for the new owner. However, the tech didn't really...
  2. S

    The ultimate (cheap) living room practice amp

    I have a Cube 30x in my living room - great for low volume. Scruffydoo is right about the Recto setting! :twisted: The cleans sound nice and the delay/chorus, while not terribly adjustable, are nice to have right there.
  3. S

    49 instrument cables compred in GP mag

    I have the thinner George L (from Lava cable); only annoyance is that it [seemingly?] twists and tangles more than most - maybe the cable isn't heavy enough to transfer twist/torque to the plugs? I also have some Mogami/Neutrik cables I made using parts from Redco and I really like those. As a...
  4. S

    Boosting a Mark IV

    The Bad Monkey is an inexpensive option, especially if you can find one used - I'm sure there are better boosts, but it's pretty decent.
  5. S

    Tube Suppliers

    I've had good experiences with both Doug and Eurotubes. I've received Lord Valve's email list; he seems knowledgeable and has a good selection, but I've never ordered anything from him.
  6. S

    e34l jj for mark4

    A week late, but... As long as the vendor knows what they are doing, you can tell them what amp you have and they will select the correct bias range and match them. BTW - I tried a pair of the JJ KT77's in the outer sockets of my Mark IV a while back, and really liked them; they were more...
  7. S

    whats the best option?

    Agreed - go with the cab first; cabs make a huge difference. Also, you might try a more "metal" pup in your S540 - the OEM pups weren't terribly good in mine. I just put a GFS "Crunchy Rails" in the bridge, and that is better, but it's not what I am looking for (seems really compressed?); the...
  8. S

    Just came in today from Mesa!!!

    That looks really nice - I really like the hardwood shells, but I'd be paranoid about scratching them up! This seems like a good, workable option.
  9. S

    List all the Boogies you've owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow :shock: I don't think I've owned as many amps in my life as some of you have owned in the past couple of years! My one and only Boogie, which I currently own: ------- Mark IVa medium head But it's a start...