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  1. S

    Noise Problem

    Thanks for that, Elpelotero. I'll have to give that a go today.
  2. S

    My 2nd Mesa Knockoff Cabinet

    Wow, that is a really nice cab. Kudos. :D
  3. S

    Noise Problem

    The thing is, there is absoutely no noise when I don't have the cable from the AMP CTRL on the Boss to the remote jack on the Mesa. I can have my Wah, a couple of OD/DS pedals, and the Boss GT8 connected and in the loop and have no noise at all. It's just that one connection that turns the noise...
  4. S

    Noise Problem

    I recently bought a used Boss GT8 to use with my Mesa Single Rectifier. It works really great. I use the four cable method (guitar to GT8, GT8 loop send to amp input, amp loop send to GT8 loop return, GT8 output to amp loop return) and I use another cable for amp channel switching from the AMP...
  5. S

    What do you stick in front of your MESA

    I plug my guitar into a Morley Bad Horsie then into a Boss GT8, which goes into the power amp of my Single Rectifier head. I put the preamp section of the head into the loop of the GT8 so I can have pre and post effects. I also run a cable from the AMP CTRL on the GT8 to the back of the Mesa for...
  6. S

    Recording a Recto......

    I've found the best way to mic a guitar cab with an SM57 is to point it at the best sounding speaker, a little off-axis. And rather than pointing at the center of the cone, point it so that half the mic is covering the center of the speaker and half is pointing at the cone. You'll also need to...
  7. S

    Single Recto users UNITE!

    I actually traded my Triple Rectifier for a Single Rectifier head. I run it into a 4x12 Rectifier Standard. The perfect crunch machine. I traded because I didn't really like the sound of a Rectifier for leads but I LOVED it for rhythm and riffing. So seeing as I'd only need one channel on it, I...
  8. S

    New member, Triple Rectifier half stack, pic and clips

    The Guitar Rig cabs and mics sound better than what's on the Koch, in my opinion. :wink:
  9. S

    What exactly is Slave Out and how do you guys use it?

    It's an output from the preamp so you can connect to a second power amp.
  10. S

    Single, dual, or Triple Rectifer

    In my opinion, all three sound exactly the same. The Single Rectifier only has two channels and does not come with the Spongy/Bold or Tube/Diode switches, or a level knob for the slave output. And as the wattage gets higher, there's more headroom so there seems to be more presence. Other than...
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    New member, Triple Rectifier half stack, pic and clips

    Hey guys. Thanks for the comments. :) I used a Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster with two single coils and a humbucker. On all three modes, my settings were: Presence - 2:00, Bass - 10:00, Mid - 11:00, Treble - 2:30, Gain - 2:00 My recording setup was Guitar > Head > LoadBox (dummy load...
  12. S

    New member, Triple Rectifier half stack, pic and clips

    Heya, guys. Just thought I'd post my current rig and a few simple clips to go with it. :) Ch2, Raw Ch2, Vintage Ch2, Modern