Noise Problem

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Jun 17, 2006
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I recently bought a used Boss GT8 to use with my Mesa Single Rectifier. It works really great. I use the four cable method (guitar to GT8, GT8 loop send to amp input, amp loop send to GT8 loop return, GT8 output to amp loop return) and I use another cable for amp channel switching from the AMP CTRL jack. This works perfectly for me, but there is one problem. Normally, the Mesa is dead quiet, even when I dime the gain, but when I connect a cable to the Channel Switch input, I get alot of noise. Nasty noise. I'm using a regular instrument cable for this. Should I be using a special cable? Stereo? Has anyone else had this problem?
I think your question about using a different type of cable has validity! Which one? Idunno! Maybe a Stereo cable? Something about the tip/ring/sleeve rings a bell here! I think you'll get it though!
I dont think you have the wrong type of cable. I think the one you have might have a break in the shilding or something which is allowing in Electro Magnetic Interferance or its just a lower quality cable. In other words, you might try changing the cable with another one you have laying around or with one borrowed from a friend to see if this changes things. If this is the a new cable. :wink:
Agreed! I'd suspect a manual might explain what type of jack/cable should be used!
another problem may be that you have the output level too low on the gt8 causing you to unnessarily boost the volume on the amp hence causing some hiss.
Without seeing the schematic of either device, amp or GT8, I'm guessing it is a groundloop problem.
ubersam said:
...groundloop problem.

While I'm not too familiar with the GT8 specifically, any time you have front-end FX and loop FX sharing the same power supply you're gonna have ground loop hum. Since the GT8 is all-in-one, using seperate power supplies is not feasible, so you will need a way to break the ground loop somewhere in your cabling. EbTech hum eliminator, ART CleanBox II come to mind.
The thing is, there is absoutely no noise when I don't have the cable from the AMP CTRL on the Boss to the remote jack on the Mesa. I can have my Wah, a couple of OD/DS pedals, and the Boss GT8 connected and in the loop and have no noise at all. It's just that one connection that turns the noise on. And I tried it with all of my cables, including Planet Waves and Monster Rock cables. They all cause noise. I guess I'll have to contact Mesa about this. It's so annoying. :(
I didn't read the other posts, but YES! you need special cables!!! specifically you need TRS cables. If I recall correctly, they are wired for stereo instead of Mono. You can find this info out at the tcelectronic support page, even though it's not Boss. They are essentially the same.