Single, dual, or Triple Rectifer

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Jun 19, 2006
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I am currently looking to purchase a Mesa amp, but I'm not really sure what the difference between the 3 are besides wattage. Can anyone clarify this for me?? Is their a sound difference between the 3 of them? Any help would be awesome
In my opinion, all three sound exactly the same. The Single Rectifier only has two channels and does not come with the Spongy/Bold or Tube/Diode switches, or a level knob for the slave output. And as the wattage gets higher, there's more headroom so there seems to be more presence. Other than that, they're identical. I'm actually returning my Triple Rectifier and getting a Single Rectifier for the lower wattage. Also, I'm not a big fan of Channel 3. :wink:
is the third channel, just an extra gain channel or how does that work. This may be the dumbest question of the day but oh well I need the help
The 3rd channel is a high gain channel as well BUT is voiced different from that of #2.
I think it sounds more open,less compressed,and the Presence control is on a different(higher) slope than the 2nd channel. You almost have to crank the Presence control on # 2 to get the same highs as that of channel #3 set at at less than mid point.I can make #3 sound identical to #2 but trust me,there is a differance.
The 3 mode mini swtiches are voiced different as well on each.
I bet the single Recto head would serve you well and those who own them in this forum give the Single a big thumbs up.
Good luck & have fun with whatever Mesa head you decide on. the way. If your looking at NEW Mesa's and leaning twards the Recto's, do yourself a favor,and give the new Roadster a try.
Fredster,a member in this fourm, bought one,posted some great sounding(and his playing is upper par too) clips on each of the 4 channels.
I'm seriously thinking of " offing" my Stiletto and Dual Recto to grab one of these heads.
They all sound very similar....I've had all three (in one form or another) and there isn't much difference in volume, but there is more head-room the higher the wattage is. The Single is going to get in to power tube saturation long berfore a Dual or Triple, which also makes the cleans break up sooner. The main difference is the single only has a solid state rectifier whereas the dual and triple have solid state and tube rectifiers you can choose from.

I actually liked my Single recto (rectoverb) better for distortion than my triple but I liked my dual better for cleans (the tirple sounded the same as the dual to me on cleans).

If you get a Dual, you can always pull 2 power tubes and a rectifier tube and run at 50wts too. I did that with one of my T-verbs.

They're all great amps, and if you have a little extra or can save and wait a little longer the Roadster or Road King would be the amp to get!! But if you don't want or need the extra stuff they offer, my vote goes for the dual or single.....The triple is overkill IMO, but there are some that love it.
Now all of this is subjective to taste of course and everyone hears someting different either slightly or abundantly when it comes to tone. But that said I have a Single Recto. I am also one of many that have played all 3 of the aforementioned heads and prefered the single. It does break up a little earlier with cleans but its gain channels are all recto attitude. Lots of growl, lots of "umpf" and I think its a little easier to find that sweet spot at more reasonable volumes. Since I don't play a lot of covers, versitility was not a HUGE issue for me when it came to finding an amp. So it didnt need to make 50 different sounds. Mind you the SR is a versatile little head. 5 modes, 2 channels, a solo boost. Its no toy. And 50 watts may not sound like much but it will keep up with its bigger brothers pretty well. The volume difference is neglegible at best. Its a little brighter too I think than the higher wattage Mesa's...or so it feels to me. I guess what I am getting at...and most will agree here...decide what you really want the amp for...and what you want it to do...and make the decision based on that. All I know is...which ever one you pick, you WON'T be sorry. Not only that but you came to the right place. This is quite possibly the nicest, most helpful and friendly buch of musicians I have ever come accross. And they have great taste in gear, too. So welcome. :D
Well...think of like this,. if you need 3 channel' rhy and lead...maybe a dual 3 channel...but if you only need two....Single..or an older dual,,,as i think personal that the old duals sound so much better...